Emily in Paris season 3 premiered on Netflix ahead of the Christmas holiday, and the new episodes bring plenty of drama for our titular marketing exec. Between work drama and boy problems, Emily certainly goes through all the highs and lows until the very last scene.
When we last left Emily in season 2, she found herself at a crossroads in both her personal and professional lives. Madeline and Sylvie each approach her with job offers that will take her down two very different paths, while her push and pull between Alfie and Gabriel does the same.
The new season of Emily in Paris finds Emily making all kinds of difficult decisions about her life and career. But she’s not through with being pitched some curveballs just yet. Emily in Paris season 3 hits us with another shocking cliffhanger, and we’re diving into it below the spoiler warning.
Warning: Major spoilers ahead from the Emily in Paris season 3 finale!
Emily in Paris season 3 ending explained
The season 3 finale gathers everyone together for Camille and Gabriel’s engagement party, which doesn’t go down without some (metaphorical) fireworks. All mostly goes according to plan, including Emily helping get Gabriel his Michelin star, until Gabriel decides to be spontaneous and have the wedding during the engagement party. Here’s where things take a turn…
During their impromptu wedding at the chapel, Camille cracks while reciting her vows. After having seen Gabriel kiss Emily’s hand just before the ceremony, Camille blows the lid off the pact she and Emily made about Gabriel. She also admits the only reason they’re even able to be together is because Emily’s with Alfie. The truth, or Camille’s version of it, finally comes out.

Did Emily and Alfie break up in Emily in Paris season 3?
Even though Emily and Alfie don’t have an official conversation about their relationship in the heat of the moment, they are as good as broken up. Alfie realizes during Camille’s confession that he will more than likely also be Emily’s second choice. There had always been something holding her back, and Alfie fully recognizes that it’s her feelings for Gabriel.
Assumedly, Emily in Paris season 4 will continue to delve into the aftershocks of Emily and Alfie’s break up. It’s unclear whether Emily will fight for him back in the next season, given that she didn’t really have a say in that information being exposed. She just might fight for him considering the bombshell she learns from Gabriel in the last scene of season 3.
Is Camille really pregnant in Emily in Paris?
Gabriel reveals Camille’s pregnancy to Emily in the closing scene of the season, which takes her by surprise. The pregnancy was the reason for Camille’s early return from Greece (where she was with Sofia) and Gabriel kicking his life into high gear. But Emily didn’t know about Camille’s pregnancy until everything had already hit the fan.
Some fans might wonder if Camille is lying about the pregnancy to maintain her relationship with Gabriel. Last season, she and her mother had conspired to get the couple back together, and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that after her affair with Sofia, she could say she’s pregnant to stay with him. However, she doesn’t really need to lie about a pregnancy, so it’s unlikely. We’re going to bet she’s actually pregnant, and it’s just the beginning!
Are Emily and Gabriel getting together in Emily in Paris season 4?
Before Gabriel breaks the baby news to Emily, the unrequited pair are, at long last, open and honest about their feelings for each other. He asks about the pact Camille made with her, and Emily says she thought she was doing the right thing for all three of them. Gabriel then asks about her feelings for him, and she says, “They have always been there,” to which he replies, “It’s been hard for me, too.”
Considering how both of them have been blindsided by their significant others, their personal lives unexpectedly upended, it’s unlikely that Emily and Gabriel will rush into a relationship. On the other hand, they are both finally single at the same time, so anything could happen. But the little detail about Gabriel becoming a father with Camille could complicate their relationship moving forward. Emily would make an incredible stepmother… just saying.
What did you think of the Emily in Paris season 3 ending? Do you want to see Emily with Gabriel or Alfie? Were you shocked by the pregnancy reveal? Share your thoughts and predictions in the comments, and stay tuned for more Emily in Paris news and updates from Netflix Life!