Dead to Me season 3, episode 7 recap: Can We Be Honest?
Since Jen is many months into her pregnancy already, it’s too late for her to consider other options. But she feels guilty that she’s pregnant while Judy cannot get pregnant. It’s a complicated situation and Jen doesn’t know how to break the news to Judy.
Instead of telling the truth, Jen buys a big poncho to hide her stomach, since the doctor points out that she has, actually, started showing. Of course, Judy chooses the morning after to “celebrate” with Jen, including a flight of her favorite wines. Jen is forced to lie and say she’s having a “dry” month.
Luckily, she has work to keep her busy and away from Judy until she figures out how to tell her the truth. Karen (Suzy Nakamura) is selling her house now that she and Jeff (Marc Evan Jackson) are getting divorced and she hired Jen as her realtor. Jen visits Karen to oversee the staging process. Of course, while there, everyone tries to get her to smell things or eat things that trigger Jen’s nausea. And Judy comes over with snacks, adding to Jen’s anxiety.
At the police precinct, Nick has discovered something suspicious. He finds CCTV footage of Charlie in the wrong place at the wrong time and believes he could be a suspect. When Perez takes this to Jen, she’s forced to tell her the truth about Ben. She also tells Perez she’s pregnant with his kid.
Later, Nick confronts Perez about the way she’s been acting lately. He knows she never took the bird or information to Glenn and he thinks Perez thinks Nick is a bad cop. Perez feels guilty about how she’s been treating Nick and realizes she can’t keep protecting Jen.
Speaking of Ben, he checks out of rehab and goes to see Jen and Judy to make amends. They accept right away, obviously. And Judy tries to encourage Jen to tell Ben how she really feels about him since he reveals that he’s planning to return home instead of staying in Laguna. Jen can’t bring herself to say anything.
Once he leaves, Jen finally tells Judy that she’s pregnant and Judy takes it about as well as you’d expect. She walks outside and jumps in the pool. All Judy has ever wanted to be is a mother and she’s gotten dealt a poor hand by fate. It’s really sad. But she does come around eventually and she and Jen discuss the news. Jen obviously wants Judy to be there with her to help her with the baby.
That night, Judy does something that no one who is sick should do: she Googles her illness. The internet reveals that her survival odds are very low, even with the chemotherapy. In her bedroom, Jen submits Judy for a cancer clinical trial.
Knowing that her chances of survival are so slim, Judy starts to take action to make life better for Jen after she’s gone, starting with convincing Ben to come back and tell Jen the truth about what happened to her husband.
We find out that the night Jen and Steve hit Ted, they were actually driving Ben home. Ben was drunk in the backseat and Ben thinks it was his fault that they hit Ted. Before Jen can really process this new reveal, Perez and Nick show up to arrest Ben for the hit-and-run. It looks like Perez told Nick what she knows, at least about Ben.