What is Belascoarán, PI about?

Belascoarán, PI. Cr: Netflix.
Belascoarán, PI. Cr: Netflix. /

Belascoarán, PI is an offbeat Mexican crime mystery series based on Belascoarán’s adventures by Paco Ignacio Taibo II. The series has a very loyal fanbase and there is a good chance this new show will be a bit hit for Netflix.

Starring Luis Gerardo Méndez as the lead detective Héctor Belascoarán Shayne, Belascoarán, PI is a hybrid series mixing thrilling crime-solving with deadpan humor. Each episode sees Belascoarán trying to solve a brutal crime in 1970s Mexico City.

Belascoarán is a slightly unconventional detective who is willing to do things like using himself as bait to catch a killer. The first episode in the series follows Belascoarán as he participates in a TV quiz show to gather clues and unmask a strangler while additional episodes see Belascoarán trying to solve a kidnapping and having to get out of a tricky situation when he’s implicated in a murder.

How many episodes is Belascoarán, PI?

There are only three episodes in the show, but each one is basically a movie since they’re all about 1 hour and 20 minutes in length. It’ll take you almost four hours to watch the entire show despite only three installments.

Is Belascoarán, PI based on a book?

Yes! The stories featured in the show are based on the books by Paco Ignacio Taibo II. The first episode draws from Days in Combat, episode 2 is based on An Easy Thing, and episode 3 is inspired by No Happy Ending.

Belascoarán, PI cast

Actor Luis Gerardo Méndez is a massive star in Mexico and has appeared in many popular international projects like the Netflix series Narcos: Mexico where he played Victor Tapia.

Here’s who else stars in this captivating new show:

  • Luis Gerardo Méndez as Héctor Belascoarán Shayne
  • Paulina Gaitan as Irene
  • Irene Azuela as Elisa
  • Silverio Palacios as Gomez Letras
  • Enrique Arreola
  • Andrés Parra
  • Gabino Rodriguez
  • Nailea Norvind
  • Eligio Meléndez
  • Paloma Woolrich
  • Paulina Dávila

Belascoarán, PI is now streaming on Netflix! Are you planning to check out the new Mexican series?

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