Resident Evil is officially out now on Netflix. The new series is the first live-action television show set in the Resident Evil universe.
There are tons of mysteries raised during the show’s eight episodes, some solved and many that aren’t, so it’s understandable that some fans might need some closure or have persistent questions by the time they finish watching.
Spoilers ahead for Resident Evil season 1
We’re diving into the final sequences of Resident Evil in both timelines, 2022 and 2036. Find out what happens to the Wesker family, Bea, Simon, Evelyn and much more. Whether you’ve finished the show or you’re just ready to know how it all ends, we’re breaking down some of the season’s biggest mysteries and twists below.

Netflix Resident Evil ending explained: What happens at the end of season 1?
The final episode of Resident Evil season 1 revolves around a showdown between adult Billie and Jade in the 2036 timeline, while the younger versions of the twins try to escape Umbrella in 2022.
In 2022, Billie is taken to Umbrella and Jade gets assistance from Simon to break into the building. They catch up with Bert and Billie to find Albert and in the chaos, Billie, who is still sick despite not mutating, bites Simon. Once Evelyn sees her son has been bitten, she shoots him dead.
Albert and Bert create a bomb and Albert stays behind to set it off, sacrificing himself so Billie, Jade and Bert can escape to safety. Evelyn also escapes, but the bomb releases her secret project, which appears to be a mutated William Birkin.
In 2036, the episode ends with Billie kidnapping Bea, shooting Jade and leaving her for dead. Billie sees that the mutant alligator doesn’t attack Bea, which would indicate that she’s special. Plus a kid is easier to deal with than Jade and all she needs is healthy Wesker blood to keep her sickness at bay.
Netflix Resident Evil ending: What happens to Jade Wesker?
In 2036, Billie Wesker shoots Jade in the stomach and leaves her to die after taking her daughter, Bea. It looks like Jade will survive, though, as it’s hard to believe her and Billie’s story is over. If the show is renewed, Jade will go to the ends of the earth to get Bea back, no matter the cost.
In 2022, Jade is devastated after Evelyn kills Simon and she leaves with Billie and Jade. The last we see of her and her sister is them in the backseat of a car as Bert drives them out of town. Jade also keeps the note Albert gave her, advising her to seek help from Ada Wong in Japan.
Netflix Resident Evil ending: What happens to Billie Wesker?
After revealing herself as the show’s primary antagonist in the 2036 timeline, Billie kidnaps Bea, shoots Jade and takes off in her Umbrella Corp. helicopter. I’m assuming she takes Evelyn with her, although we don’t find out for sure.
In 2022, after biting Simon and Simon getting shot, she and Jade leave with Bert. It’s clear that something is wrong with Billie even if she didn’t turn like a regular zombie. We just don’t know exactly what the deal is yet.
Netflix Resident Evil ending: Who is Bea’s dad?
We still do not know who Bea’s biological father is by the end of the season. We know it isn’t Arjun and the other potential candidate would have been Simon, but since he’s dead before Jade gets pregnant, it can’t be him either.
Netflix Resident Evil ending: What’s special about Bea?
When the mutant alligator goes to attack Bea, it stops and turns docile near her, even letting her pet it. Why? Is there something in Jade’s blood that makes the creature choose not to attack? We don’t know what Bea’s deal is yet, but it’s clear that she is special and Billie notices it, too. Since she needs healthy Wesker blood to stay alive, she takes Bea, who will be less of a handful to deal with than Jade (hence why she tells Jade she doesn’t “need” her anymore).
Netflix Resident Evil ending: What happens to Albert Wesker?
Albert Wesker is dead and his clone, Bert, is also possibly dead. It’s a little unclear since Billie refers to their dad “dying” in 2036, but by that point Albert had already died back in 2022 and they were with Bert the rest of the time. It seems like the girls might have started referring to Bert as “dad.” In 2022, Albert sacrifices himself so that Bert, Jade and Billie can escape.
Netflix Resident Evil ending: Is Arjun alive?
Arjun’s fate is one of several characters’ whose fate is left ambiguous. After the mutant alligator upends his and Jade’s raft, Arjun is left seriously injured. Jade is forced to leave him behind on the beach so she can go after Bea.
Netflix Resident Evil ending: Is Evelyn still alive?
At the end of the 2022 timeline, Evelyn shoots her own son, Simon, in the head and kills him instantly after Billie bites him. In 2036, the last we see of Evelyn she was being mind controlled by Billie. Her fate is left up in the air, but we can probably assume she survives.
Netflix Resident Evil ending: Why did Billie and Jade’s relationship fall apart?
We still don’t know exactly what happened between Billie and Jade to lead to such a significant rift between them or Billie turning to Umbrella and Evelyn. When we last leave off with them in 2022, they are being driven out of town by Bert.
Jade has the address and name of Ada Wong and is reeling from Simon’s death, which Billie had a hand in, having bitten him. Things have already starting going wrong for them, especially since adult Billie tells Jade that the night the Doberman bit her was the “best night of her life” as it slowly stripped away everything about herself she didn’t like.
Netflix Resident Evil ending: What is the monster in Evelyn’s lab?
Evelyn unveils a terrifying creature of some sort contained in a tank toward the end of the season. She wanted Bert to work on this “project” of hers. It’s not entirely clear what the creature is, as it could be a few things in Resident Evil lore.
At first I thought it might be Nemesis, but I think it might actually be a mutated William Birkin. Or it could be something new that just draws inspiration from some of Resident Evil‘s most famous monsters.
Does Resident Evil season 1 have a post-credits scene?
No, sadly there is no post-credits scene at the end of the first season, so you don’t need to wait around for one once you finish the finale.
What did you think of Resident Evil season 1? What do you think will happen in the second season if the show is renewed?