What happened to Dr. Owens in Stranger Things season 4 volume 2?

STRANGER THINGS. (L to R) Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven and Paul Reiser as Dr. Owens in STRANGER THINGS. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2022
STRANGER THINGS. (L to R) Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven and Paul Reiser as Dr. Owens in STRANGER THINGS. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2022 /

* Spoilers for Stranger Things season 4 volume 2 below

Dr. Sam Owens, who we were introduced to in Stranger Things season 2, has become a pretty well-liked character. Even though I’m a little mad at him for taking Eleven back to Dr. Brenner,  he’s still not as bad as the other scientists. At least he has a conscience.

You can genuinely see that he does care about her, but at the same time knows that the world needs her if they’re going to fight the evil that is in Hawkins. And of course we all know that darkness is Vecna.

Brenner and Owens do get the chance to help El regain her memories, but they run out of time when the military shows up. So what happened to the doctor?

What happened to Dr. Owens in Stranger Things season 4 volume 2?

We actually don’t see Owens at all in the season finale. The last we see of him is in episode 8, “Papa.” When El finds out that her friends are in trouble, she wants to go to them. Brenner doesn’t believe she’s ready to take on Vecna yet and doesn’t want her to leave. Owens reminds his colleague that the Nina Project isn’t meant to be a prison for our little heroine, and tells him he’s taking El to Hawkins.

Of course Brenner being the ugly man he is apprehends Owens. He tells Eleven if she tries to escape, he’ll order his guards to kill the scientist. After she gets the upper hand for a moment, he knocks her out with a syringe and then has the audacity to put the electric collar around her neck! But his plans are interrupted when Lt. Colonel Jack Sullivan finds them.

Thankfully Brenner is shot and finally meets his end (good riddance!). Sullivan finds a handcuffed Owens and asks him where Eleven is. Before he has to answer, soldiers in a helicopter spot her. They almost shoot our favorite teen, but in an epic moment she uses her powers to control the plane, then crashes it into the ground and escapes.

But that was the last we saw of Owens this season. Did the lieutenant apprehend the doctor or did was he let go? Or did he escape? Though he doesn’t know where El is, he and Brenner were technically working against the government. That could put him in a lot of trouble. We saw what they did with the agent guarding the Byers home in season 4 volume 1. Will we continue to see the military trying to track El down in season 5? There’s so many questions. The fifth season can’t come fast enough!

Stranger Things season 4 volume 2 is now streaming on Netflix.

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