Trees of Peace ending explained: Do all of the women survive?
By Mads Lennon
Trees of Peace is an emotional, independent drama out now on Netflix. Based on the true story of the Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda, the film focuses on four women from different backgrounds and beliefs trapped while the genocide takes place.
Set in April 1994, these four women, Jeannette, Annick, Peyton and Mutesi, find themselves stuck together, stowed away in a cellar where they must fight for survival against all odds. Yet throughout the film, they find themselves bonded forever by an unbreakable sisterhood born from their heartbreaking circumstances.
Below we’ll get into the Trees of Peace ending and answer lingering questions you might have after the film finishes. Whether you’re done with the movie or just ready to know how it ends, we can assist you.
Trees of Peace ending explained: Does Francois really die?
At one point, the women are forced to remain hidden as soldiers search Annick and Francois’s house. The soldiers talk about how they tortured and killed Francois after finding him in his school. However, thankfully, it turns out that was not true. Francois survives and he comes back for Annick and the others at the end of the movie to take them to the only remaining refuge at Hôtel des Mille Collines.
Trees of Peace ending explained: Do all of the women survive?
Yes, all four women survive the film, although there are a few close calls. At one point, Jeanette almost kills Mutesi after she becomes violent and starts lashing out. Peyton also has a seizure, but she does recover.
Trees of Peace ending explained: What happens in the end?
At the end of the movie, the women are finally able to break free from the cellar and escape. For a moment it looks like soldiers have arrived to take them, but thankfully it turns out to be Francois and they are rescued.
How many days did the women spend trapped in Trees of Peace?
The women ultimately spent 81 days trapped in the cellar.
Does Trees of Peace have a post-credits scene?
No, there isn’t a post-credits scene but the end of the movie does contain some interesting information about the current status of Rwanda and how things have changed since this horrific event.
Over one million people died during the genocide. But since then, many of the key war criminals were brought to justice. Women created movements to support victims in the aftermath and now Rwanda has the highest percentage of women appointed to government of any nation in the world.
Trees of Peace is now streaming on Netflix.