Netflix First Kill season 1 recap guide: Episodes 1 to 8

First Kill. Sarah Catherine Hook as Juliette in episode 103 of First Kill. Cr. Courtesy Of Netflix © 2022
First Kill. Sarah Catherine Hook as Juliette in episode 103 of First Kill. Cr. Courtesy Of Netflix © 2022 /
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First Kill ending explained and spoilers
First Kill. (L to R) Imani Lewis as Calliope, Sarah Catherine Hook as Juliette in episode 101 of First Kill. Cr. Brian Douglas/Netflix © 2022 /

First Kill episode 7 recap: First Goodbye

The penultimate episode of First Kill season 1 begins with the discovery of Cook’s body. The police are officially concerned now with all these bodies piling up. Cops interview the students at school, including Ben, Phillipa, Juliette and Cal. The opening voiceover narration also suggests that Bunny is the one who spray-painted the Fairmounts’ garage door.

At school, MAAM has become far more vigilant with full-on protests and everything. Juliette pleads with Ben to get Bunny to back off.

Meanwhile, Cal tells Juliette her family can protect her. They don’t want to hide their relationship anymore. Of course, Jack and Talia are not happy with Cal bringing Juliette home, but they do ultimately agree that they won’t tell the cops Juliette killed Cook since she did do it to save Cal’s live.

Theo starts an illegal investigation into the Guild Archives to see if he can identify the legacy sigil he’s been seeing in his dreams, as it might give him a lead to the vampire who killed his mom. Apollo agrees to help.

Ben’s chat with Bunny does not go as planned. She starts making stakes and even tells Ben that if he was a vampire, she’d take him out herself. They get a “shelter in place” order and Bunny says she’s not going to listen to it. In fact, she’ll “show him what he can do with his order.”

Things get worse for the Burns as Guild members show up to look around the Burns house, believing them to be harboring Juliette, who they suspect killed Cook. Luckily, Juliette and Cal are already gone. Juliette suggests they go see Oliver, as he might be the only person who can help them. But they get stopped by a cop who demands they do a silver test on their way out. Cal and Juliette narrowly avoid getting caught, but the cop doesn’t trust them enough to let them leave, so she takes them back to the Fairmount house.

While on the phone with Oliver we get a glimpse of him with Carmen. He’s very happy that Juliette is finally coming around and the camera pans to his hand on a tarot card… the Devil.

Back in the Burns basement. The Guild members catch Apollo and Theo doing illicit research. Not a good look for anyone. After that plan fails, Apollo and Theo get a new idea. Elinor might recognize the sigil. They go to the bar where she hangs out and Apollo tells Theo to stay in the car and let him handle it, since Apollo and Elinor kind of have a flirty thing going on. He’ll have better luck on his own.

Since Cal and Juliette never make it to Oliver’s, he comes looking for her. Sebastian almost snaps his neck in the process. Things are getting increasingly ugly between Oliver and his family. “Tell Jules she knows where to find me… and I know where to find you.”

Then MAAM and their supporters gather outside of the Fairmount house as they mistakenly get the idea that Cal is the vampire and the Fairmounts are protecting her. Ben tips them off. Margot and Sebastian try to negotiate with Bunny and the cop from earlier (who is also part of MAAM, go figure). But it doesn’t really work.

At the bar, Apollo and Elinor end up hooking up in the bathroom. Theo gets antsy and decides to go inside despite Apollo saying he could handle it. That’s when things get really ugly as a fight ensues between Theo, Apollo and Elinor when Theo catches them together. Apollo prepares to stake Elinor, but she moves out of the way at the very last second, resulting in Apollo staking his own brother and Elinor wipes their memories of the incident so they don’t know how it happened.

With the crazy moms in their lawn, Margot tells Juliette she needs to let Cal leave and be turned over. They’ll soon find out she isn’t a monster anyway. But Cal points out to Margot that if they do that, they’ll probably search the Burns house in the process, meaning they will find all their records on the legacy vampires and realize who the real monsters in town are. Margot doesn’t have a choice but to let Cal stay.

As Apollo holds a dying Theo, he calls Cal and begs for her help.