Netflix First Kill season 1 recap guide: Episodes 1 to 8

First Kill. Sarah Catherine Hook as Juliette in episode 103 of First Kill. Cr. Courtesy Of Netflix © 2022
First Kill. Sarah Catherine Hook as Juliette in episode 103 of First Kill. Cr. Courtesy Of Netflix © 2022 /
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First Kill - Elizabeth Mitchell
First Kill. (L to R) Elizabeth Mitchell as Margot Fairmont, Aubin Wise as Talia Burns in episode 106 of First Kill. Cr. Brian Douglas/Netflix © 2022 /

First Kill episode 6 recap: First Severing

Another school meeting is called at the beginning of First Kill episode 6. The aftermath of zombie-Ashley’s death is significant, complete with news coverage and more, although in this case it’s for Noah as townsfolk have grown wary now that two teenagers have been brutally murdered.

Talia is pissed about Cal hanging out with Juliette again and says they’re leaving Savannah ASAP. Talia and Margot are called into the office with their daughters to chat with the police, who, once again, have footage showing Cal and Juliette roaming the hallways around the time of Noah’s death. They want to know whether the girls saw anything suspicious, especially considering Noah’s spine was ripped out of his body.

Juliette claims that they only went near the area because they heard screams in the distance and thought something was going wrong. Margot and Talia both ban their daughters from seeing each other and then agree to meet each other for a public meeting to discuss how to keep them apart.

At the Burns house, Apollo and Theo watch the news and see Bunny Wheeler giving an interview to discuss her new group, MAAM, a.k.a. Moms Against All Monsters. MAAM believes monsters are back and that the government isn’t doing anything to stop it.

It gets worse when District Attorney Sebastian Fairmount holds a press conference to stifle rumors of monsters returning. He says Noah’s death was nothing but a horrible accident, but it’s clear residents don’t agree and don’t believe he’s doing the right thing for their town.

As for Cal, Talia’s next plan is to force her to go through a severing ceremony to remove her connection to Juliette and the link bonding them from the bite.

The meeting between Jack and Talia Burns and Margot and Sebastian Fairmount goes about as well as it could, all things considered. They agree to try and maintain the peace in town as a bunch of monsters running around isn’t good for anyone. The Fairmounts have remained there as long as they have by blending in, they don’t want to risk changing that. The Burns promise to take the evidence showing Cal and Juliette near Noah’s murder scene and destroy it, as an act of good faith and both parents promise to keep their daughters away from each other.

Things get weird during the severing, which Theo performs. Theo starts seeing visions of his mother, who we learn was killed by a vampire all those years ago. Also, the severing doesn’t really seem to do anything since Cal has a vivid dream about Juliette right after. It looks like their lover is real after all.

Apollo grows concerned about MAAM, so Cal helps him login on their website to further investigate while Ben talks to his mom about how out of control the whole thing has gotten. But Bunny sticks to her guns. Monsters are all bad and have to go.

Elsewhere, Elinor takes Juliette out for a night of dancing to try and get her to see how fun being a vampire can be. They end up sharing a guy named Mark outside the club in an alleyway, draining him dead. Juliette is horrified that they killed him, while Elinor could care less. They might have to feed, but they don’t have to kill people. They take his body to a nearby lake and dump him, but Juliette is clearly shaken by Elinor’s carefree attitude.

From there, Elinor takes Juliette to her secret storage unit where she keeps the driver’s licenses taken from all of her victims like a serial killer.

That night, Margot presents Elinor with a special keepsake, a gold necklace that represents her new status as Keeper-in-Waiting, since Margot is now the Keeper with Davina dead.

Apollo’s infiltration into MAAM is successful as he masquerades as their trainer. Elinor tries to come visit them to learn more and throw them off their scent, but Apollo turns her away at the door.

Later, Juliette goes to visit Cal at her home, climbing into her bedroom and admiring her things. The pair start to hook up when Cal gets a text from Theo. She begs Juliette to stay in her room while she goes to talk to him. Theo is freaked out by the weird visions he’s started having about his mom. He thinks a legacy vampire killed her. Luckily, Juliette doesn’t get caught and when Cal comes back, they spend the night together.

In the woods near where Cal, Ben and Juliette buried Cook’s body, Phillipa hosts a little memorial picnic for Noah. Her dog gets loose and runs away toward the shallow grave, sniffing out the body. Uh-oh. And at the same time, when Margot and Sebastian return home, they see someone has defaced their garage door with words like “Monster Lover, “Murderer,” and “F*ck the DA.”