First Kill episode 3 recap: First Fight
First Kill episode 3 opens with Cal having a dream she’s in the Garden of Eden with Juliette. Her dream-version of Juliette explains that now they’re linked because of the bite. Cal admits to feeling confused, but that she does have feelings for Juliette, especially since she’s nothing like the monsters she’s dealt with before.
While the Fairmounts prepare for Juliette’s consecration ceremony, the Burns are training to kill the entire family, which means an intense training session.
A desperate Juliette begs Elinor for her blood capsules, since she hid them. If Juliette had her first kill she shouldn’t need them anymore, right? But the capsules aren’t enough. Elinor only gives Juliette a few and tosses the rest, motivating Juliette to do the right thing. “So kill someone before grandmother and the entire legacy community arrive for the big show.”
The Fairmount line is a matriarchy, Juliette has to do things their brother never had to. And, as Elinor notes, Oliver nearly destroyed their entire family, she shouldn’t aspire to be like him.
While trying on dresses for the ceremony, Davina Fairmount (Polly Draper), Juliette’s grandmother, arrives. Davina explains how important this ceremony is as it is when Juliette will receive a bite from the coveted Emerald Malkia, the serpent descended from the Garden of Eden.
The Fairmounts are the guardians of the Emerald Malkia and it’s a significant honor. Davina is the keeper of the Emerald Malkia and will pass the snake to her granddaughter to be bitten. Davina asks Elinor to ensure Juliette does not embarrass her or their family’s legacy.
Ceremony preparations are interrupted by Ben’s arrival. He knows Juliette’s family is throwing an elaborate party and, sadly, Ben isn’t invited, though Juliette can’t tell him why. Ben agrees to forgive and forget.
At the Burns residence, Cal is intent on training. Jack (Jason R. Moore) and Talia watch her, impressed by her intensity. The Guild has rewarded their family for Cal finding a nest of legacies, IDing a family that no one knew existed. It’s a big deal, even if it is a dangerous assignment. Talia doesn’t want Cal anywhere near the fight since it’s her first hunt.
Beyond that, it’s a big deal that Cal is the first hunter to square off against a legacy and lived to tell the tale in 400 years. Despite Talia’s misgivings, she ultimately agrees with Jack that Cal is ready for her first kill. Even better, the hunters believe they now know how to kill the legacy vampires using silver-forged spears. Cal balks after finding out she’s going to be assigned to kill Juliette. She admits to having misgivings to Tess during a private moment… which comes back to bite her later.
Not wanting Juliette to humiliate their family, Elinor takes her for lunch and tries to coax her into draining a girl there. Juliette refuses and also finally admits to not having a first kill. She also tells Elinor the truth regarding her feelings for Cal. But what is Juliette’s plan when the Malkia refuses the bonding bite? Elinor also further establishes the differences between legacy vampires and ordinary vampires. They can look in mirrors, walk in the daylight, etc.
While the hunters prepare, Tess’s dad takes Jack aside to tell him Cal is off the hunt, which the Guild supports. Tess ratted Cal out. They find out Juliette bit Cal, which might have forged a link that will make Cal a liability. Talia and Jack force Cal to stay home with Cook there to watch her.
Oliver (Dylan McNamara) makes his first appearance at the consecration ceremony to support his little sister, yet another hitch in a night that is turning increasingly dangerous by the second! Oliver tries to tell Juliette that it’s okay for her to be different. He thinks she’s more like him, whatever that means. Margot tries to get Oliver to leave ASAP. There doesn’t appear to be any love lost between them.
Juliette ultimately admits to her mother that she did not make her first kill and she doesn’t want to live the way of her family. Margot is surprisingly understanding. She admits to falling in love with a human, Sebastian, who she later turned into a vampire. Her decision got her ostracized from her family. It’s why things remain tense between Margot and Davina. Margot assures Juliette she will take care of everything.
Cook starts getting super weird and creepy toward Cal, clearly judging her for her connection to Juliette. He implies that he could attack her and claim it was in self-defense, Cal runs.
Davina steps up to unveil the Emerald Malkia and the ritual sacrifice, waxing poetic about how Eve became the first vampire after being bit by the serpent. Elinor summons Juliette to the woods nearby where Juliette finds that her sister has kidnapped Cal and tries to force Juliette to drain her.
Juliette tells Elinor that she told their mom everything and Margot supports her, but that’s not good enough for Elinor who doesn’t want her future as the eventual Keeper ruined because of Juliette’s choices. Oliver arrives before Elinor can do anything. He and Elinor get into a fight while Juliette unties and frees Cal. Cal warns Juliette to run since her family is coming to kill them all and the two escape together.