The Lincoln Lawyer episode 2 recap: Magic Bullet
The Lincoln Lawyer episode 2 picks up right after the tense episode 1 ending where Mickey and Izzy realize they are being followed by a suspicious black SUV. Izzy manages to lose them and Mickey officially introduces her to his team: Cisco and Lorna. Lorna is a little prickly around newcomers as she’s very protective over Mickey. He assures Izzy that Lorna will come around in time.
This episode’s case involves Terrell Coleman (Shwayze), a man charged with battery of a peace officer after he was caught selling bootlegged t-shirts. Terrell claims the officer in question, has held a grudge against him over a girl since high school. Mickey takes a snapshot of the place where the alleged assault would have occurred and uses it as proof to suggest that the entire incident would have been caught on the officer’s bodycam (footage that was never submitted to evidence).
As we could have guessed, the “assault” didn’t happen and when Mickey suggests showing the footage in camera, the officer hints to his lawyer that it won’t be good for him, thus, Mickey gets the charge dropped to selling without a permit and time served. Terrell is free to go and the bodycam footage was all a calculated bluff on Mickey’s part.
The LAPD is still poking around, trying to gain access to Jerry’s files and while Mickey can’t give them the files, he does compile a list of all possible suspects for Griggs to investigate. It’s not much, but it’s all Griggs is going to get for now so he might as well accept it. In return, Griggs tells Mickey that they flagged Jerry’s GPS at a casino called Athena’s Temple. In the past month alone, Jerry visited it three times. It might be something.
Jerry’s files aren’t giving them much to work with in terms of compiling a defense for Trevor. He puts Cisco and Lorna onto a new track, looking into Jan Rilz, the yoga instructor Lara was sleeping with. Lorna manages to speak with one of Jan’s fellow instructors, a woman named Krisha Gold (Justene Alpert) who tells them that Jan owned a studio in Venice and slept with several married clients. Lara wasn’t the first.
Besides the possible casino lead and Jan’s scandalous past, Mickey and co. come up against a brick wall. The final nail in the coffin comes when Lorna finds out Jerry was planning to file a continuance, maybe he really had nothing on this case. Mickey intends to file one too, until Trevor steps in and refuses to go along with it. He doesn’t want to wait a single second longer to prove his innocence. Mickey relents. The trial will happen as planned.
Then they get a big break when they talk to Jerry’s former assistant/girlfriend who lets Mickey know that Jerry had a “magic bullet,” a.k.a. a term used to describe a defense that cannot lose. Now Mickey knows Jerry had something big to help Trevor’s case. He just needs to find it.
On the personal front, Mickey turns to Maggie for assistance. She gives him the scoop on the prosecutor, Jeff Golantz (Michael Graziadei). He’s good. Undefeated. Mickey should get prepared. Later, Hayley gets to see Mickey in action for the first time during Terrell’s trial. Maggie and Mickey also reconnect at Maggie’s house when he comes to drop Hayley off. Maggie hastily hides her glass of wine from him and Mickey tells her it’s okay for her to drink when he’s around. It won’t suddenly send him back to rehab. It looks like the sparks are still there between them.
In the final seconds of the episode, the mysterious black SUV appears once again. This time it’s parked and whoever is inside is listening in on Mickey and Izzy’s conversation—looks like the Lincoln is bugged.