Netflix The Lincoln Lawyer season 1 recap guide: Episodes 1 to 10

The Lincoln Lawyer. Manuel Garcia-Rulfo as Mickey Haller in episode 101 of The Lincoln Lawyer. Cr. Lara Solanki/Netflix © 2022
The Lincoln Lawyer. Manuel Garcia-Rulfo as Mickey Haller in episode 101 of The Lincoln Lawyer. Cr. Lara Solanki/Netflix © 2022 /
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The Lincoln Lawyer. (L to R) Christopher Gorham as Trevor Elliot, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo as Mickey Haller in episode 110 of The Lincoln Lawyer. Cr. Lara Solanki/Netflix © 2022
The Lincoln Lawyer. (L to R) Christopher Gorham as Trevor Elliot, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo as Mickey Haller in episode 110 of The Lincoln Lawyer. Cr. Lara Solanki/Netflix © 2022 /

The Lincoln Lawyer episode 10 recap: The Brass Verdict

It turns out the person who attacked Mickey is former juror number seven, Glenn McSweeney. Mickey fends him off and Glenn falls off a cliff in the process at the start of The Lincoln Lawyer episode 10. Luckily, Griggs and the cops arrive within a few minutes and Mickey is relatively unscathed. As for Izzy, she’s fine and at a meeting. The whole thing was just a ruse to get Mickey alone.

Mickey visits Maggie after and things quickly get steamy between them. Maggie was terrified that she’d lost Mickey again. The emotions of the moment get to them both and they start making out. But they don’t have the chance to make it to the bedroom before Maggie is called away for work. Still, they make plans to have a family dinner on Sunday, like they used to.

Glory Days (Fiona Rene) is finally back in town and Lorna seems to convince her to give testimony so Jesús can get a hearing. Glory reveals that the reason she fled town that night is because Detective Linda Perez came to her hotel room and threatened to charge her for drugs if she didn’t leave and bail on the testimony.

Maggie is in a tight spot with Soto because Tanya’s footage is too garbled to be used. But Lankford heard it so they’re able to use his testimony instead.

Glory arrives at Mickey’s office and they talk to her about what she knows. The next thing they need to find out is why Linda Perez would be so concerned with the Jesús Menendez trial. Mickey asks Griggs to look into it and the other detective on the case, Detective Kyle Winters. But remember several episodes ago, Lankford revealed he was Winters’ supervisor on that case… I’m sure you can see where this is going.

In court during the hearing, Glory Days tells her side of the story, naming Linda Perez and saying the real killer had a tattoo on his forearm, something Jesús does not. Linda lies on the stand and they catch her in the lie because Mickey and his team actually have security footage of her at the hotel where Glory Days was on that night. Ultimately, the truth comes out. Lankford, not Winters, pushed Perez to intimidate Glory Days in exchange for promoting her to detective. Now Jesús will get a hearing.

The problem is, Mickey finds out about Lankford before the trial from Griggs and he rushes to tell Maggie, but he doesn’t get a chance to warn her. Once it happens, Maggie’s entire case against Soto is in trouble. Lankford’s testimony will be worthless now that he’s been found out to be a corrupt cop in an official capacity. She’s pissed at Mickey for not giving her a real warning. Mickey basically admits he couldn’t risk it getting back to Lankford and Maggie is upset he didn’t trust her. So once again, their reconciliation is at a standstill.

Poor Maggie can’t catch a break either. She’s since decided to give Robert Cardone a chance after Janelle kept railroading her but it turns out, Robert is just as driven by ambition as Janelle. He tells her that the Soto case is over now that Lankford is out. And he also tells her that she’s going to be moving offices and getting shuffled to Van Nuys. he says its not personal, but yet again, Maggie is getting mistreated by her bosses who care more about their poll numbers than “loyalty” despite Robert’s previous assurances. So Maggie goes over their head and contacts the feds and the United States marshal to get Soto’s case tried on a national level.

Then there’s the Trevor Elliott matter. Mickey initially accuses Trevor of having Glenn try to kill him. Trevor denies having anything to do with it and rushes him off since he has a big announcement regarding a merger for Parallax. But in the middle of his speech, Carol DuBois shoots Trevor dead!

Cisco finally puts two and two together regarding Mickey’s dealings with the Road Saints and meets with Teddy. He doesn’t want Mickey paying his debts. Cisco left the gang and Mickey had to strike a deal to keep Cisco safe. So Cisco makes it clear that he’ll handle repayment, not Mickey. What does that mean? What will Cisco have to do to get them off his and Mickey’s back? I guess we’ll find out on The Lincoln Lawyer‘s next season (if it get renewed)!

But The Lincoln Lawyer isn’t finished with twists just yet. Mickey confronts Judge Holder, who he has finally realized is behind Jerry’s murder. She had a side gig rigging juries for six figures a pop. Jerry found out about it, so he had to go. She was working with her husband to pull strings behind the scenes. Griggs comes in to arrest Holder.

The final moments of the episode show Mickey going to greet Jesús as he’s let free from jail after being wrongfully imprisoned for years. Meanwhile, Lorna reapplies for law school, Maggie clears her things out of her office, Cisco rides off on his motorcycle (likely to do the Road Saints’ bidding) and Mickey then returns to the beach, the same place we found him at the beginning of the series.

Next. The Lincoln Lawyer books and reading order. dark