Welcome to Eden episode 7 recap: Lilith
The seventh episode begins with Zoa, Charly, Africa, and Ibon being officially initiated into the Eden Foundation. They must walk across hot coal to grab their necklace. In the end, they all succeed.
The next scene shows Erick discussing the next Eden Festival while Zoa, Charly, Africa, and Ibon receive their first star tattoo. Alma and Eva receive their second star tattoo and Ulises receives his third tattoo. Later, Astrid and Erick argue about Africa being promoted. Erick tells Astrid not to worry because they will be going to the real Eden with Isaac (the young kid Zoa sees in episode 2) soon.
Bel secretly meets up with Eva on the island. They talk about Eva’s promotion and the message that appeared on the screen at the 15th anniversary. Bel says the symbol that was a part of the message was “Lilith.” They end their conversation with Eva agreeing to get the inside scoop on who was really behind the message.
Later, Nico talks with Astrid about him not getting promoted. During the conversation, Astrid tells Nico that Bel is Zoa’s new link. Back in Barcelona, the private investigator meets with Zoa’s mom. The private investigator tells Zoa’s mom that Zoa went missing the same day Ibon went missing. Zoa doesn’t see the connection, though. The private investigator then suggests Gabi went looking for Zoa. Meanwhile, Astrid and Mayka are trying to track down who has the wristband in San Sebastián.
Charly checks out the cave where he, Zoa, and Ibon will attempt to hitch a ride on a boat. But Ibon decides to back out of the escape plan. Later, Zoa and Bel chat by the ocean. Bel tells Zoa that Erick has a lot of money, so the island doesn’t have to worry about that. She says the reason Astrid and Erick invite people to the island is because they can’t have children. They view the guests as their kids. She also reveals that they’re not allowed to get pregnant and that they can easily be replaced if they step out of line.
Back in Barcelona, Gabi bumps into the private investigator. The private investigator tells Gabi that she can help her find Zoa, but Gabi declines the help. Later that night, Zoa and Bel share a kiss before Zoa tries to convince Bel to escape the island with her. Bel refuses to leave the others behind. Then, we cut to David being caught by Eden Foundation members, and the private investigator using the wristband she stole from Gabi to figure out how to get to Eden.
The last scene of episode 7 shows a masked assailant entering Astrid and Erick’s apartment with Ulises’s key card. It’s unclear if the masked assailant is actually Ulises or somebody else who stole his card. Before the masked assailant could stab Astrid, Erick wakes up and starts fighting the mystery person. In the end, the mystery person stabs Erick in the stomach and runs off. Then, Astrid takes Erick to Isaac.