Welcome to Eden episode 6 recap: Rebellion
The sixth episode opens with a flash-forward of what happens at the end of the episode. The flash-forward shows everyone on the island at the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Eden Foundation. After Erick gives a short speech, a message is projected on the screen behind him. The message says, “Death to Astrid.” Then, we return back to the present time.
On the island, Zoa and Claudia talk in their module. Claudia tells Zoa she won’t report her for trying to kill Nico. She then tells Zoa that Bel got into Fran’s head and caused him to act out. She reveals to Zoa that Bel is trying to lead a rebellion against Astrid and that she needs to stay away from her if she wants to survive. Then, Claudia reveals to Zoa her plan of escape, which is to leave on the boat during the next festival.
In Barcelona, Charly’s brothers and mom are visiting his sister’s gravesite on the anniversary of her death. As they’re leaving, Charly’s mom supposedly receives a text from Charly saying that he’s not coming home yet. But the message is actually coming from Mayka.
Back on the island, Africa speaks with Erick and tells him she would like to host his and Astrid’s anniversary celebration. After some convincing, Erick decides to let Africa host. At Mayka’s apartment, Mayka and Charly have a heart-to-heart conversation and Mayka explains how she came to Eden. Later, Ulises and Ibon get into a physical altercation and Ibon tells Ulises that he knows about Judith’s death.
Then, we cut to Gabi waking up at David’s house. She goes through his things and finds his employee badge. She then asks David if he has any proof that he was on the island. David shows her his wristband that he wasn’t supposed to keep. As Gabi puts on the wristband, David tells her that it will light up if she’s chosen. The wristband lights up right away for Gabi. As Mayka returns to the control room in Eden, she hears the computers beeping. The computer shows that a wristband has been activated in San Sebastián.
While on the island, Zoa reveals her plan of escape to Ibon and Charly. She tells them that in order for the plan to work they must lay low and wait until the festival to escape on the boat bringing in new guests. Meanwhile in Barcelona, the private investigator hired to find Ibon looks through security footage of the night Ibon went missing.
Gabi travels all around San Sebastián taking selfies and photos with random people so that she’ll have enough pictures to upload to her social media account. She even places her picture on David’s employee badge so that it can look like she works at his job. All of it is a ploy to get to Eden.
Later on the island, the 15th anniversary takes place. Erick gives a speech about how he and Astrid met and how the Eden Foundation came to be. He mentions that his father-in-law played a huge part in the project with his climate change work. After his speech, a message pops up on the screen behind him. It says, “Death to Astrid.” Then, Astrid and Erick return to their apartment where Astrid tells Erick to call together the committee to discuss who will pay for the crime.
After a vote, the committee decides who should be killed and Brenda and Orson are sent to do the dirty work. The person ends up being Claudia. They take her to the cliff’s edge where they rub blue paint on her arm and then shoot her in the head with a nail gun.
In the last scene of the episode, the private investigator makes it to the meeting spot where the Eden Foundation picks up its guests. While looking around the building, she receives a text message of a missing person’s report from May 11 with Zoa’s name on the list.