Welcome to Eden episode 5 recap: Storm
We start episode 5 with a flashback of what led up to Judith’s death. A seriously injured Judith is seen running through the island while being chased by Orson and Brenda. Orson ends up catching Judith and he drags her to a cliff’s edge. While Brenda prepares her nail gun, Orson rubs blue paint on Judith’s arm. Judith starts begging for her life, but Brenda shows no mercy. She places her nail gun on Judith’s forehead and pulls the trigger. Then, Brenda kicks Judith off the cliff.
Next, we cut to the present time where Zoa is grieving Judith’s death while laying down on her bed. Then, we cut to Gabi arriving in San Sebastián to meet David. David and Gabi arrive at his job and they talk about how he got invited to Eden and what happened while on the island. David tells Gabi about the wristbands that the partygoers were given, and how if they lit up, you could get a Blue Eden drink. He then tells Gabi that Zoa’s wristband lit up, but his didn’t. As Gabi is about to leave, David invites her to a party, but she declines.
Back on the island, Zoa meets with Africa. Zoa is about to tell Africa about seeing Judith’s dead body in the cave, but she stops herself when she notices Africa doesn’t have her wristband anymore. Then, Erick interrupts their conversation and Zoa tells Africa to be safe. A bad storm comes and all residents on the island are forced to take cover in module one. As Charly heads to module one, lightning hits a light pole and strikes Charly. The impact throws him backward and he falls back on a rock.
Back at Astrid and Erick’s apartment, Astrid and Erick talk about the 15th anniversary of the Eden project that’s coming up. Bel arrives at the apartment and asks Astrid if she can replace Nico as Zoa’s link. Astrid grants her request. Later, we cut to Zoa trying to show Ibon where Judith’s dead body is in the cave, but when they arrive, her body isn’t there. Zoa and Ibon return to module one and Zoa talks to Bel. Bel reveals to Zoa that Nico is her link and that she needs to stay away from him.
Back in San Sebastián, Gabi is about to buy a one-way ticket back to Barcelona but notices an Eden billboard. This causes her to stay in San Sebastián. Then, we see Nico tell Astrid about Zoa knowing that he’s her link. Astrid decides that Zoa should be killed. She sends Ulises to get Zoa and bring her back to the apartment. While at the apartment, Zoa, Astrid, and Erick engage in a discussion. As they are talking, Brenda slowly walks behind Zoa and is about to shoot her in the back of the head with her nail gun, but Astrid tells her to stop after Zoa says she can change.
Then, we cut back to Gabi who decides that she’s going to change the way she looks so that she can get invited to the island. She decides that she’s not going to give up on searching for Zoa. Outside module one, Nico complains to Ulises about him not getting promoted. Ulises tells Nico that he has competition. Back at Mayka’s place, Mayka and Charly sleep together.
In module one, everyone is sleeping besides Zoa, Alma, Ibon, and Claudia. Ibon tells Alma that he wants to go home and then leaves the module. Zoa walks over with a screwdriver to Nico while he’s sleeping and is about to stab him until Claudia stops her. Ibon wanders on the island until he makes it to the cliff’s edge. Then, he sees the boat carrying Judith’s dead body floating in the water. Suddenly, the boat goes up in flames.