Welcome to Eden episode 3 recap: Farewell Party
The third episode of Welcome to Eden starts by giving us a better idea of what Mayka does on the island. The blue-haired tech aficionado spends a great deal of time monitoring the community via drone, checking in on everyone.
After the opening credits, we return to the group. Ulises informs everyone that a boat is returning soon that will allow them to return home. Aldo isn’t buying it. When he and Ibon meet up later, Aldo expresses his suspicions and concerns. Ibon tells him to relax. The boat is coming the next day at noon (supposedly). Aldo calls him naive and storms off.
Remember the kid Zoa saw? No one knows what she’s talking about. Apparently kids aren’t allowed on the island, and it has already been hinted that Astrid and Erick treat the people there like their children. So was Zoa just seeing things?
Since it is the group’s last day on the island, they decide to celebrate in style with a big farewell party. Everyone seems to be having fun, Nico and Zoa go scuba diving together and there is another group bonding session where Bel (Begoña Vargas) gets to share her story. Alma and Ibon continue connecting over a communal meal where we learn more about the moral code of Eden, everyone there is dedicated to wellness and saving the world from climate change.
In Barcelona, Gabi calls her mom to tell her about Zoa. But her mom doesn’t appear all that worried. She thinks Zoa just ran off and will be back in a few days.
At the party, things get messy and complicated as Charly and Zoa are coaxed into drinking another Blue Eden, which, of course, makes them a little out of it. Alma and Ibon also finally kiss. Then Charly tries to make a move on Claudia (Berta Vázquez) and she bitterly tells him that he’s not leaving, that he and his friends are all going to die. Claudia was in love with Fran, the bartender we saw get killed in the first episode.
Seconds later, Aldo rushes to a drugged out Charly and tells him he found a way off the island, but Charly is too disturbed by what Claudia said to process. Well, Aldo doesn’t wait for anyone else to listen to him. He sees his chance to get on a boat and he boards it, stowing away for the return trip.
While all of this is happening, Astrid invites Africa into her and Erick’s compound, allowing the influencer a chance to grow closer to the heart of Eden, and Erick, too. The pair seem to have taken a special interest in Africa more so than some of the other new recruits.
The next morning Africa is blissed out in the compound, while Nico tries to convince Zoa to stay instead of leaving. They have sex on the beach.
Aldo actually does manage to escape, at least, that’s what it looks like, until he emerges from the ship and comes face-to-face with Brenda. Armed with a special sort of gun (it almost looks like a nail gun to me), Brenda shoots him in the forehead, killing him.