Russian Doll season 2, episode 6 recap: Schrödinger’s Ruth
Stuck inside Nora in the 1980s, Nadia is forced to give birth to herself in a crowded subway! Everyone is there, Ruth, Vera, Delia, even Derek. And Chez makes another appearance at the hospital shortly after baby Nadia is born.
The second Nora has given birth, Vera and Delia start making plans to take Nadia away and send Nora back to the hospital. Ruth pleads with Vera to give Nora a chance but Vera refuses. She doesn’t think Nora is fit to raise a child. Later, she gives Nora the necklace with the last Krugerrand on it that we know Nadia will later inherit.
But the second Nadia-as-Nora is left alone, Nadia takes her baby self and returns to the train, breaking all known rules of time travel by bringing the baby back to the present. In 2022, Nadia’s phone blows up with texts from Maxine and Ruth. Ruth has had a pulmonary embolism and is in the hospital. It’s not looking good.
At the hospital, time starts to collapse after Nadia brought the infant version of herself to 2022. She sees multiple versions of Ruth at the hospital and then, most striking of all, she sees several dead Nadias in the morgue, and even a dead Alan.
Meanwhile, in 1962 East Berlin, Alan-as-Agnes tries to board a train to West Berlin to find Lenny, but he gets stopped by a German officer who refuses to let him go. When he returns to 2022, he quickly realizes something is seriously wrong. He’s greeted by Derek and the Guardian Angels, somehow transported from the 1980s, and then when he goes to the drug store, Farran is there with his dad…who died three years earlier. They also have Nadia’s cat Oatmeal, three versions of Oatmeal, to be exact.
Nadia rushes to Alan’s apartment, since he’s the only one who can help her fix this. He’s not there, since at the same time, he’s out looking for her. The episode ends with Nadia in Alan’s bathroom looking in the mirror (where he started his birthday time loop in season) while Alan somehow ends up in Maxine’s bathroom, you know, the one where she started her birthday time loop in the first season! Someone knocks on the door, it’s Nadia with the baby.