All of the new keys in Locke and Key season 2 (and what they do)


Locke and Key isn’t called “Locke and Key” for no reason! Of course, we were going to see new magic keys in Locke and Key season 2.

We all know about the main keys from the first season: the Head Key, Identity Key, Matchstick Key, Mirror Key, Anywhere Key, Omega Key, Thorn Key, Echo Key, Ghost Key, the Music Box Key, and more.

Well, Locke and Key season 2 introduced us to a bunch of new keys that the Lockes and their friends and enemies are using in the new season. Some of the keys are good, some are bad, and some are much more destructive than others.

Spoilers ahead for Locke and Key season 2. 

New keys in Locke and Key season 2

It’s hard to keep track of all of the keys while you’re watching Locke and Key season 2, so we created this handy guide for you to use after you watch the season. Then, you can remember what happened, what the keys do, and how it all factors into the future of the Netflix original series.

Remember, Locke and Key season 3 is already in the works? Well, if you didn’t know, now you do.

What is the Memory Key?

The Memory Key is the key that Rendell and the Keepers of the Keys created to keep their memories of the keys after they turn 18. They realized that the kids can only use the keys. Adults, like Nina and Duncan, have no memory of the magic after more than a few seconds pass.

With the Memory Key, that doesn’t happen. This is the key that Erin and the Locke kids use to help Duncan regain his memories after Erin, Rendell and the Keepers of the Keys wiped it after everything that happened with Lucas and the demon.

What is the Hercules Key?

The Hercules Key is paired with a belt. Once turned, the Hercules Key gives the turner superhuman strength.

This key comes in handy numerous times in the new season, especially in the final battler. While Tyler wields the Alpha Key, Scot uses the Hercules Key to fight off all of Gabe’s demons.

What is the Dollhouse Key?

According to Fandom, the Small World Key, also known as the Dollhouse Key, is the key that controls the dollhouse version of Keyhouse. Bode discovers this when visiting Jamie’s apartment. Her dad, Josh, somehow has an exact replica of Keyhouse. When Bode puts the key into the door, the house comes alive and you can see what’s happening inside of Keyhouse.

In the wrong hands, this is obviously very dangerous.

What is the Demon Key?

This might not be the correct name for the key, but it’s what I’m referring to it as. This is the key that Gabe forces Duncan to make, the one that turns regular humans into demons. It’s the Demon Key!

What is the Angel Key?

The Angel Key is one of my favorite new keys. Sam and Chamberlain help Kinsey and Scot find the Angel Key, and it gives the Lockes the upper hand against Gabe.

Connected to a vest, the Angel Key unlocks giant white wings that give the turner the ability to fly. It’s truly a game-changer in Locke and Key season 2.

What is the Chain Key?

The Chain Key is exactly what you think it is! It’s a chain and lock.

When Erin is hunting Gabe at the Winter Fest, she uses the Chain Key in a lock and a chain shoots out and wraps up Gabe. There’s no getting out of the Chain Key. This magic is strong. As long as the person holding the key is safe, it’s very effective.

Unfortunately, Eden knocks out Erin and the Chain Key stops working. Gabe, then, kills Erin.

What is the Alpha Key?

The Alpha Key is the most important key of the season. After finding Rendell’s emergency Whispering Iron, Tyler is the only one who can use it to make a key.

With Duncan’s help, Tyler makes the Alpha Key, which is basically the reverse Demon Key in season 2. Does it have other powers? Probably!

But, in the season, Tyler uses it to kill Gabe and his demons, which it does by splitting the demon from the human. He also tries to use it to save Jackie, but because she’s not an Echo, it kills her.

We can’t wait to see what new keys we’ll see in Locke and Key season 3.

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