PG Halloween movies on Netflix: Liar, Liar, Vampire (2015)
A case of mistaken identity sets the scene for Liar, Liar, Vampire though it’s not because the lead, Davis, is mistaken for someone else but rather mistaken for something else.
When the most popular girl in his new school assumes Davis is a vampire, the teen lets it slide because the misidentification brings with it unexpected popularity. Of course, shenanigans ensue when he has to keep up the ruse to maintain his image and drags his neighbor Vi into the mix.
Davis should be letting his peers get to know him for who he is but, for awhile, he finds pretending to be something he’s not fun and enjoyable. However, there’s only so long people can be kept in the dark especially when he’s living his life as a supernatural creature and not the normal teenage boy he is.
Liar, Liar, Vampire, which was first released on Nickelodeon, is a humor filled Halloween pick the kids will enjoy.
PG Halloween movies on Netflix: ParaNorman (2012)
ParaNorman is a blend of dark fantasy, comedy, and horror that’s perfect for the season. The movie follows Norman, a young boy who’s gifted with the ability to speak to the dead. Unlike the living, the dead are better company to him, however, that doesn’t mean Norman won’t do what he can to save the town when the time comes.
He may be an unexpected hero but, according to his Uncle Prenderghast, Norman is the town’s hope against a witch’s curse. It’s up to him to keep the curse at bay and fend off the zombies rising from their graves. He’ll have to use everything he knows about the paranormal to keep the town safe otherwise it’ll fall to the curse. Norman is the only person who can win this fight.
Though hopefully, as well meaning as they might be, the adults in his life don’t get in the way. He is just a boy but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the courage and heart it’ll take to go up against what he must face.