Best Halloween episodes on Netflix
The spooky season of Halloween is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than by watching some great features on Netflix? The Netflix and Chills lineup is full of titles to quench your horror palate, whether it be full-on horror or any of its subgenres or perhaps a family favorite for the Halloween season.
Be sure to check out some great Netflix original horror films like There’s Someone Inside Your House, The Fear Street Trilogy, Midnight Mass and The Babysitter.
Maybe you aren’t in for a long haul of an entire movie but need something to put you in the Halloween spirit. Netflix has numerous series featuring one or two Halloween-themed episodes that will satisfy a quick Halloween fix.
Below is a list of some of the best Halloween episodes Netflix has to offer.
Stranger Things season 2, episode 2: “Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak”
This episode is the trick-or-treat episode that Eleven really wants to go trick or treating. As the overly protective parental unit, Hopper says no, especially since no one knows she’s been living with him since she disappeared in season 1.
The pumpkins are rotting in the fields, and Hopper is investigating. Nancy gets drunk at a Halloween party and fights with Steve. And the boys go trick or treating and are joined by their new friend Max. When Dustin arrives home, he finds a surprise in his trash can. This episode is full of ’80s vibes with costume themes and music.
Community season 2, episode 6: “Epidemiology”
Pierce and some others ingest a bio-hazard substance which turns them into zombies at the school Halloween party. They begin to experience flu-like symptoms and then turn into zombies. The rest of the students must figure out how to save themselves when locked in with the other students who have become zombies.
Community season 4, episode 2: “Paranormal Parentage”
Pierce doesn’t get invited to the Halloween party but instead “accidentally” locks himself in his panic room when he sees his father’s ghost. This requires the rest of the group to come to his mansion to search for the code to get him out. This episode is a homage to Scooby-Doo.
Click NEXT to see more amazing Halloween episodes.