Jake Manley from The Order
The Order is a series about magic wielders and werewolves. It is not a romance, and yet we get hints of it throughout thanks to Jake Manley’s Jack Morton. (And of course, if you’re anything like me, maybe magic and werewolves are totally romantic.)
Jack is a werewolf, and while he entered college under some rather suspicious circumstances (to learn more about his family secrets), over the course of two seasons we get to see him grow into a very fascinating individual. But in terms of why he is a highly dateable heartthrob? It is all about his determination.
Although we get to see him as a boyfriend at times, which certainly helps to boost his dateability factors, it is actually his determination and dedication to the people he cares about that makes him more dateable.
Jack is the kind of guy who won’t leave someone behind. And while he may be forced to forget someone he cares about, that isn’t going to stop him. In fact, that is what adds to his appeal, as he never gives up.
The Order never screams romance and love, but Jack is different. It is clear that he is in touch with his own emotions and that is an amazing thing. Without Jake Manley, we wouldn’t have that Jack.