Lucifer season 5 part 2, episode 11 recap: No one messes with dad


Two things Lucifer does extraordinary well are slow-motion entrances and comedy. The musical episode may have been episode 10, but Lucifer season 5 part 2, episode 11, titled “Resting Devil Face,” begins with quite the entrance!

Lucifer and Amenadiel teamed up to have a serious talk with their father about leaving Earth. They decide to present a united front, but Amenadiel can’t help but give in to his dad’s charming ways.

Meanwhile, Chloe is picking up Trixie from school. She’s suspended for stealing Chloe’s handcuffs and “arresting” a bully. Chloe and Dan aren’t able to take off work with such short notice, so Linda is on Trixie-sitting duty!

And if that babysitting adventure wasn’t interesting enough, how about God’s second encounter with Dan? Explosive! Pun intended.

Let’s recap the episode by highlighting the top, most memorable moments. Be sure to chime in with your favorite scene in the comments.

What happens in Lucifer season 5 part 2, episode 11?

Did Dan just die?

When Dan first meets God in episode 9, it’s awkward. It’s strange to meet God no matter who you are. How is one supposed to act? What do we even call Him? However, it’s safe to say it’s particularly odd for Dan.

Dan did, in a way, date God’s wife. Yikes.

So when Dan bumps into God again, he runs up to him to apologize. God reassures Dan that there’s nothing to worry about because “everything is as it should be.” But he begins to grip Dan’s hand a little too tightly and in the blink of an eye, Dan explodes.

No, literally! Did God just kill Dan, even if only for a couple of seconds? He sure did!

God has discovered blinking

God claims he wants to spend more time with Lucifer, and what better way to do that than join Lucifer on his latest case!

While chatting with his son, God closes his eyes and learns that humans aren’t able to see a thing with their eyes closed. How did God not know this? His time on Earth is really getting to him! But since God has made himself human, he’s now without special abilities.

God meets Ella Lopez

I can’t say this enough, I love Ella Lopez! She is such a dear! Sure, she may not have the best taste in men, but she’s a total sweetheart. When she meets God, she immediately feels like she already knows him. God thanks her for her support, which does leave Ella confused.

Ella is one of the few remaining characters who doesn’t know Lucifer is actually, well, Lucifer. Do you think she’ll learn the truth before the end of the series?

No one messes with Lucifer’s dad

As predicted, God messes up the case and he is a nervous wreck as he and Lucifer are held at gunpoint. In an attempt to keep God quiet, he is hit across the face. Wrong move. Lucifer is not having it.

Lucifer immediately loses his cool, pulls out the Devil face and takes everyone down, and says “no one lays hands on my father!”

Does Maze have a soul?

When Maze learns from Amenadiel that God is vulnerable, she jumps into action. Maze pretends she wants to help Amenadiel find God, who’s gone missing, but we know she has different intentions.

Maze has several opportunities to kill God, though, but she doesn’t act on it. God confronts her about this later that night. She tells him that she was created to kill, yet can’t even do that right. God, however, simply tells Maze that miracles happen every day.

God then gives Maze some examples of the impossible happening: An angel has a child with a human and the Devil is able to fall in love. God also tells Maze that everyone is able to learn and grow.

Maze exclaims that a demon can’t grow a soul. God looks back and asks, “can’t she?” Maze is left with tearful eyes and a smile, as well as a sigh of relief.

We feel the same way! Did God just confirm that Maze has a soul? Why didn’t we think about this before? Of course she does! Maze has a conscience, feelings, she loves and cares for her friends.

We’re rooting for you Maze! Go use that soul wisely!

Bonus top moment: God announces his retirement. Who knew God was even able to retire! This should be interesting!

Watch Lucifer season 5 part 2 on Netflix

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