Netflix shows like Gilmore Girls: Heartland
Love horses and family? Heartland is the show for you.
Heartland follows the horse trainer Amy Fleming and her family through their lives as farm keepers. Much like Gilmore Girls, it is a wholesome and heartfelt show to be enjoyed by the whole family. The show gives you the time to fall in love with its characters— to understand their motives and emotional baggage, while you watch them navigate their difficult lives. It is intricately written and the characters’ love and appreciation for animals is infectious.
The Netflix synopsis for the show:
"Spunky teenager Amy is reeling from the sudden death of her mother when she and her grandfather are threatened with the loss of their horse ranch."
Heartland has 11 seasons on Netflix, with new seasons being added on February 1. The show is currently working on its fourteenth season.
Netflix shows like Gilmore Girls: Schitt’s Creek
Moira Rose has a knack for rants that’ll send Lorelei Gilmore running!
If you’ve been waiting for a sign to finally start watching the Emmy-sweeping show Schitt’s Creek, this is it. Schitt’s Creek is a fantastic and hilarious take on small-town living and the good and the bad that comes with it. The series follows the loveable Rose family as they are relocated to the barren and wacky town of Schitt’s Creek after losing their wealth to embezzlement.
Schitt’s Creek is the entire package— it’s amusing, has incredible character development, and characters that will always keep you on your feet. While the Rose parents Johnny and Moira don’t always get it right, they deeply care for their now-adult children who are left struggling with the fact that their privileged upbringing didn’t prepare them for the real world.
Schitt’s Creek has five seasons on Netflix.