Netflix shows like Gilmore Girls: Northern Rescue
The melodramatic Canadian series Northern Rescue follows the West family after they move to the small town of Turtle Island Bay following the loss of the family’s beloved wife and mom. The troubled family ends up living in an abandoned aquarium which never fails to provide a fun backdrop. Much unlike Lorelei Gilmore, the West family’s primary parent John (William Baldwin) comes off as cold and distant but he never sits idle while his children are in trouble.
Although the show was slow to kickstart, Northern Rescue quickly won over the hearts of their viewers and garnered mostly favorable reviews. It is a brave exploration of complicated family dynamics and the grieving process— and how they affect one another.
Northern Rescue has one season on Netflix and hasn’t been renewed for a second season (yet). We’re hoping Northern Rescue is renewed for season 2 soon. Keep your fingers crossed.
Netflix shows like Gilmore Girls: Sweet Magnolias
Based on a book series, this show is a sweet exploration of friendship, love, and family. Sweet Magnolias perfectly balances an upbeat sense of humor with the general complications that come with life. Much like the Gilmore clan, the show stresses the importance of patience and support— showing us the importance of relationship building. It’s impossible not to fall in love with the show’s protagonist Maddie Townsend, a character who prevails through tough situations and never fails to land back on her feet.
Sweet Magnolias has all of the kitschy and drama of small-town living while not falling short on likable characters and entrancing storylines. Much like Gilmore Girls, it’s a show to kick back and enjoy a cocktail (non-alcoholic is acceptable) while you watch the townspeople of Serenity gossip.
Sweet Magnolias has one season and has since been renewed for a season 2.