Every state’s Stranger Things fun fact

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Kansas: Wizard of Oz reference

Even Kansas has a link to Stranger Things, and it has to do with season 4 which will come out sometime in the future. With the way things are going, it will hopefully be 2021, but who knows?

One thing we do know about season 4 is that its tagline is “We’re not in Hawkins anymore,” which has obviously come from the saying from The Wizard of Oz’s line “We’re Not in Kansas Anymore.”

As we saw last season, Joyce, Eleven, Will, and Jonathan have moved out of Hawkins to get away from…well, everything that’s happened, but especially so they aren’t reminded of the monsters, the fights, and of course, Hopper’s death. It’s supposed to be a new start.

But as we’ve learned from this show in past seasons, just because the gang thinks the monsters are gone and all their problems are over, doesn’t make it so and it’s very likely that the monsters will be coming to wherever Joyce and her ragtag family are.

I, for one, cannot wait to see Demogorgons or whatever new creatures we see in season 4 in a new place. It makes it harder because they don’t know the town as well as they did in Hawkins since Joyce, Jonathan, and Will had lived there most of their lives. It will be great to see a new town (or maybe even a new state).