Altered Carbon season 3: What’s next for Kovacs?

ALTERED CARBON - Credit: Diyah Pera/Netflix
ALTERED CARBON - Credit: Diyah Pera/Netflix /

Wondering what’s next for Takeshi Kovacs in Altered Carbon now that you have finished your season 2 binge-watch? Let’s discuss!

Please note there are massive spoilers ahead if you are not caught up with Altered Carbon on Netflix. Be sure you watch the two available seasons on the streaming titan before reading on.

While the first season of Altered Carbon introduces the insane futuristic universe and establishes who Takeshi Kovacs is, season 2 dives a little deeper into his character. In fact, season 2 is more about the story than it is about showing off the attractive digital world. This isn’t to say the first season wasn’t fascinating to watch, but we enjoyed digging more into Kovacs.

In season 2, Kovacs is played by Anthony Mackie. He is inside an unrecognizable sleeve when asked to take on a job in exchange for his freedom. He is reluctant, but when Quellcrist Falconer’s (Kovacs long-lost love) whereabouts are promised if he agrees to help.

Only minutes after entering a new sleeve (Mackie), the man who Kovacs was hired to protect is violently murdered. The plot thickens when Kovacs discovers that the person he is after is Quell (Renee Elise Goldsberry) herself.

Fast forward to the final moments of season 2 and we are left with an ambiguous finale. Though a third season has yet to be officially renewed by Netflix, we’re all assuming it’s coming based on Altered Carbon‘s popularity and large fan base.

What happens next can be anyone’s guess as the series has run out of its original source material, the books Broken Angels and Woken Furies by Richard Morgan.This is exciting, as it means anything can happen, but one thing fans really want most is to continue following Kovacs. Therefore, it’s unlikely the story will take a spin and follow another character, which means Kovacs is alive.

Poe and Dig pretty much confirm that Kovacs survived. And this is further confirmed in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, in which season 2 showrunner Alison Schapker teases that “every season serves a new mystery and a new sleeve and a new planet.” Notice she says a “new sleeve” and not a new character.

Based on other plot points we were left with, season 3 could further explore double stacking. And in addition to more Kovacs badassery, fans would also love to see more of Poe’s (Chris Conner) relationship with Dig 301 (Dina Shihabi).

Whatever mystery Kovacs takes on next, and no matter the sleeve, sign us up, just as long as Poe joins the ride as well!

We will keep you posted on Altered Carbon‘s renewal status. The first two seasons are streaming. on Netflix.

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