While we wait for Stranger Things 4, let’s check out the top 15 people to ever grace Hawkins, Indiana.
Stranger Things 3 became the most streamed show in Netflix history after its release back in July of 2019. According to Netflix, more than 64 million member households streamed the show in the first four days making season 4 highly anticipated.
The good news is we are getting a season 4 as multiple reports have suggested production has already begun. The bad news is we might not see that season until 2021. For now, there’s no better way to kill time than to break down the top 15 characters from the entire Stranger Things series.
15. Bob Newby
This was by far the hardest one to rank for several reasons. But the main reason was that when it came to these rankings and the way they played out, it was either Bob Newby or Barb Holland. Both were tragic losses to the series. They’re two characters that I don’t think the Duffer brothers will ever live down for killing off.
Bob gets the nod for several reasons but the one that sticks out most is his heroic efforts in season 2. He had just helped Hopper, Joyce, Mike and Will escape Hawkins Lab from the Demodogs. And just when you thought Bob was safe, he was attacked by multiple Demodogs that ate away at his flesh while hearing Joyce scream in fear and sadness. Just an overall gut-wrenching scene. Bob Newby will always be a hero in Hawkins.
14. Erica Sinclair
From a small roll character in the previous seasons, Erica Sinclair shined in season 3. She brought a lot of laughs and energy to what is now known as the Scoops Troop. From abusing the ice cream sampling option at Scoops Ahoy to helping take down Russian spies, Erica had no problem helping out her fellow nerds when they needed her most.
As we saw at the end of season 3, she received a box of goodies from her brother, Lucas and Dustin that contained their Dungeons and Dragons game. It seems like Erica is here to stay for the long hall. Besides, you can’t spell America without Erica.
13. Billy Hargrove
Billy Hargrove is an interesting one. How do we feel about him? Ever since he was introduced for the first time in season 2, he has come off as a stuck up teenager who really only cares about himself. Treating his sister Max like garbage for pretty much the entirety of the show didn’t sit well with a lot of fans. But did the ending of season 3 change those feelings you may have had?
It was clear in season 2, that Billy was being abused by his dad. So maybe that’s where all his anger and frustration came from. He took it out on other people. After being taken over by the Mind Flayer in season 3, it was clear it wasn’t going to end well for Billy. The tear-jerking scene in Starcourt mall between Eleven and Billy hit fans right in the heart. Just when you think you hate a character, it changes. Long live Billy Hargrove.
12. Robin
The great thing about new seasons being released is that we get to meet new characters as well. Some have bigger roles than others, but it’s fair to say Robin was a hit in season 3. Working at Scoops Ahoy with Steve Harrington, Robin became a huge part of the series when she cracked the Russian code. She grabbed the viewers’ hearts in what may be one of the best scenes in all of season 3, when she came out to Steve in the bathroom.
The conversation between those two were deep, real and hit home to a lot of fans. It seems like Robin and Steve have a pretty tight friendship as they will be starting new jobs together at the Family Video store.
11. Jonathan Byers
Jonathan Byers has always been the outcast, especially in season 1. Jonathan doesn’t really have any friends other than his brother Will and his girlfriend Nancy Wheeler. Since season 1, Jonathan always kicked butt though and stepped up when he needed to. Him and Nancy did together. Johnathan will always be a fan-favorite because of his big heart and the love he shows for his family.