Daybreak: Jeanté Godlock talks Mona Lisa and strong female characters

DAYBREAK -- Photo credit: Ursula Coyote/Netflix -- Acquired via Netflix Media Center
DAYBREAK -- Photo credit: Ursula Coyote/Netflix -- Acquired via Netflix Media Center /

Jeanté Godlock took time to talk to Netflix Life about Daybreak and her character Mona Lisa. Why was the character the perfect fit for her?

Jeanté Godlock is best known for her role as Simone Biles in the TV movie The Simone Biles Story: Courage to Soar. Now she’s Mona Lisa (you’ll get to find out the reason for her name in the first couple of episodes of Daybreak), who is the right-hand woman to Turbo, leader of the jocks.

Godlock took time out of her day to talk exclusively with Netflix Life about the role, and why it’s just so perfect for her. We also got a hint of what’s in store should Daybreak get renewed for season 2 (it certainly deserves it).

Netflix: I love Mona Lisa. She’s not just strong and a leader, but she’s supportive of Turbo. At the same time, she knows that this is war. She wants Turbo to get on with things.

Jeanté Godlock: Yeah, they have a really good relationship. He really trusts her, you know. She’s always there for him but then she’s like “We’re at war and you still have people to manage.” I think it’s great that she doesn’t judge him or anything like that, because inside, she really wants what he has, too. But life is a little bit different now and she knows what they have to do right now.

NL: Things are slowly changing, but we still rarely see women in a position of power, especially women of color. What’s that been like for you with Mona Lisa? She’s in charge when Turbo isn’t around.

Godlock: Amazing. You know, it’s really awesome to see a girl really take charge, especially as a black woman to take charge. He trusts her to lead the boys, and I think that’s really amazing.

I was really drawn to play Mona because she’s a lot like me. I’ve always been a leader by nature. But also, she plays sports and she’s a very fun character to play.

NL: It’s quite a slow burn for Mona in terms of reveals. I’m only up to episode five. I’m guessing there’s more to come later.

Godlock: It’s funny. I think after episode six, you see her more. I’m excited for you to get to see a little more and explore what’s going on with her.

Turbo is out there in the world with a vengeance. Sometimes, you see with Mona like, she just puts up with it and goes with it, but there’s a part of her that’s always hidden.

I’m excited to explore her softer side. She has wants and desires. She’s really fun and interesting to play.

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NL: Do we get her POV at any point?

Godlock: We don’t! But while you don’t get one, you do get to see more of her in the second half of the season. You get more insight into her motivation and drive. She plays a really important role and it just gets better and better.

NL: What was it that drew you into the character in the first place? Was it the Daybreak script or just a breakdown?

Godlock: You know, the breakdown was like, “tough, female who doesn’t smiles, plays three sports.” I’m like, “sign me up!” I was a girl in high school who played like five different sports, so I was an athlete. I’ve been an athlete my whole life, and I’m pretty tough. I’m small but mighty.

So, when I read this, I was like “this is my role.” That’s immediately what drew me in.

I was on vacation when I got the audition. I stopped everything to get the tape done because I felt like it was for me.

The breakdown had a reference to a Game of Thrones character. I never watched the show, but I looked her up and I was sold. She’s tough, she’s strong, she’s a leader, everything I am.

NL: Which Game of Thrones character, out of curiosity?

Godlock: Brienne of Tarth.

NL: Oh, cool!

Godlock: Yeah, it was fully because I looked her up and she is tall. And I got nervous because I’m 4′ 11″, but I can carry myself, you know? I didn’t let it scare me away.

NL: You costume is fierce. Is that something that helped you get into character?

Godlock: Oh my god, yes! The very first day I put it on, I was like “Yes, Mama!” And I love my costume so much. She’s wearing platforms that are so high it just made me feel on top of the world. And I’m dressed like a jock, but I’m not. I have football pads but I’m very feminine at the same time. She carries herself that way.

I loved putting that costume on.

NL: I loved that she looked sexy but didn’t show off any skin. She was confident and comfortable.

Godlock: All the guys are shirtless, and she’s covered up and feminine. I loved that too. It’s a shout out to our costume designer, who really thought about it. Everyone behind the scenes is amazing.

NL: If this was a real apocalypse situation, do you think you’d be like Mona or would you take after another character?

Godlock: I’m a survivor, so honestly, I would be like Mona. I would fight and figure it out. I would say that I’d possibly try to go off by myself and be a complete loner to survive that way. or I would find people and become the leader because that’s the way I am.

NL: I know you can’t give spoilers, but is there a specific scene you can’t wait for the viewers to see?

Godlock: Yes! There’s one in episode nine. It’s a classroom scene. Once you see it, you’ll know exactly what I mean.

NL: You have me intrigued.

Godlock: I can’t wait for it. You’ll know it!

Daybreak debuts on Netflix on Oct. 24. Get ready for the best apocalypse of your life.

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