In the honor of the 25th anniversary of Friends, we take a look back to some of the most iconic quotes from the show’s amazing 10-season run.
There is not a more iconic, more renowned group of friends than the friends from Friends. And over the course of the show’s 10 glorious seasons, Joey, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, and Rachel have cracked some of the funniest one-liners and quotes ever in the history of television.
In the honor of the show’s 25th anniversary on Sept. 22, we are going to take a look back into the show’s five of the most iconic quotes. So without taking much of your time, let’s just dive right into the list.
5. “Judge all you want, but, married a lesbian, left a man at the altar, fell in love with a gay ice dancer, threw a girl’s wooden leg in the fire, lives in a box.” When the group was judging Monica when she dates Richard’s son, Monica reveals why she should not be embarrassed about that with one of the greatest comebacks of all time,
4. “‘Sup with the whack Playstation, ‘sup?” In “The One With Monica’s Thunder”, Joey prepares for an audition to play a 19-year old and in order to prove that to Chandler, he goes all out.
3. “Joey doesn’t share food.” This was literally one of those scenes where everybody related to Joey on a spiritual level. We had already seen Joey’s love for food throughout the previous seasons. But this season 10 episode, titled “The One With The Birth Mother,” gave the world one of the most quotable one-liners ever.
2. “Oh, I wish I could but I don’t want to.” This classic Phoebe line is from the pilot episode and fans fell in love with the character right at this moment when she said everything one can ever wish to say out loud.
1. “Do you have a plan? I don’t even have a ‘pla’.” Our top pick is also a Phoebe moment from episode 4 of the freshman season, titled “The One with George Stephanopoulos,” because at that moment everybody was Phoebe.
What are some of your favorite quotes from Friends? Comment below and let us know.