Stranger Things 3 – Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum recap: Winners and losers

Stranger Things - Credit: Netflix
Stranger Things - Credit: Netflix /

We picked winners and losers from “Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum,” one of the best episodes of the of Stranger Things 3. This episode is crazy! Spoilers ahead!

“Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum” is the episode that ties it all together in Stranger Things 3 and sets up the events of the penultimate episode and the season finale.

We shared our winners and losers from “Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum” below!

Winner: Alexei

This far into the series, we never got to see Alexei’s personality. Finally, we get to see the weird Russian scientist show off a little personality.

After not getting the slurpee that he wanted, Alexei almost takes Hopper’s bait and leaves with the car, but he changes his mind at the last second. Then, he is very cooperative with Murray, and he spills the beans on what the Russians are planning.

It seems Alexei has no loyalty to the Russians, and he’d happily flip on them. That’s a good sign because the Hawkins Heroes really need him to stop them.

Loser: The Flayed

Oh, man. This was the roughest, most gruesome scene in Stranger Things so far.

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At end of the episode, we see what the Mind Flayer has planned, and we finally understand. The Mind Flayer possessed all these people, made them eat chemicals, and then melted them into goop only to join him. The monster grows bigger and bigger as it adds the composition (or decomposition) of the Flayed.

This is about as bad as it could have gone for the Flayed. We see them all, including Heather and Mrs. Driscoll, melted into goop and join with the Mind Flayer. Gross!

Winner: Dustin and Erica

After sneaking into the Russian base, the Scoops Troop is discovered very quickly. Now, they have to get out of the base. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen.

As they are being chased by the Russians, Dustin and Erica escape through a vent, while Robin and Steve stay behind to hold the door. Dustin and Erica have to get help while the other two…

Loser: Steve and Robin

… get left behind to be tortured and drugged by the Russians. It’s a rough turn of events for Scoops Troop. We loved their chemistry working together to get into and now out of the Russian base.

Luckily, Dustin and Erica come up with a good plan to save them!

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Winner: Dacre Montgomery

Dacre Montgomery has been awesome as Billy in Stranger Things 3. We didn’t get to see his acting chops in Stranger Things 2, as his performance was basically one note.

In the new season, Montgomery shines in this expanded role, and this episode is his best work in the series yet.

After Eleven hijacks his memories, Billy and the Mind Flayer somehow are brought into her reality at the cabin, but none of her friends are there. It’s just Eleven and Billy and the Mind Flayer, and Billy gives an epic monologue.

It’s a very threatening speech, but we finally get an idea of why the Mind Flayer is doing what it’s been doing. It’s trying to beat Eleven and all those who stopped him the first time.

Loser: Eleven

I don’t think this is a bad episode or anything for Eleven, but she definitely bites off a little more than she can chew in this one.

Her idea to get into Billy’s head allows us to see his past and see “the source.” It backfires quickly, though, and I’m certain the Mind Flayer now knows where Eleven is. I’m hoping they don’t have some other connection where the Mind Flayer can always know where she is. If that’s the case, our heroes might be in some serious trouble.

Winner: Joyce

Joyce is basically right about everything this season, and probably in the series as a whole, and she is finally starting to call the shots around all these dudes that move too slowly. Joyce pulls no punches with her demands of Murray to start translating what Alexei is saying about the machine and the gate.

After Hopper calls Dr. Owens to let him know they need the US military, Joyce calls again because Hopper didn’t get the message across well enough. It’s one of her best moments in the season, and she’s at her best when she’s laying down the law.

Loser: Hopper

Hopper has some big wins in this episode, especially with his power-play on Alexei to get him to cooperate. Hopper gets a loser pick in this episode because of his sense of urgency. He knows what’s at stake with the gate reopening, but it’s Joyce who is the only one with a sense of urgency, and her conversation with Dr. Owens’ contact reflects that.

Winner: The Mind Flayer

The whole season has been building to this, and now, we finally know what the Mind Flayer had in mind. He was building a monster version of himself using the bodies and chemical composition of humans. It’s utterly revolting!

I don’t know how our heroes are going to get out of this one and stop the Mind Flayer, but it seems like the Mind Flayer has the advantage, especially with our heroes spread out over Hawkins and the midwest.

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