Episode: “Chapter Six: The Monster”
Truer words have never been spoken. Dustin says this memorable line during the sixth episode of the series after Eleven saves him and Mike from the bullies who were threatening them and forcing Mike to jump off a cliff. After Eleven dispatches the bullies, Dustin proclaims that Eleven is both “our friend” and “crazy”.
Obviously, these two things are important because it is the first time that Dustin proclaims the boys’ friendship with the girl they only recently found lost in the woods. Friendship is a pivotal theme throughout the whole show and the friendships between all the boys, between the boys and Eleven and eventually between the boys and Max and Max and Eleven form the backbone of the entire show. The show does a brilliant job of examining the theme of friendship and how friendship is both lost and gained and the power of friendship at that young, formative age.
The other part of this the “crazy” line comes from how the boys viewed Eleven in those early episodes. Before Eleven really came into her own, she was the outcast among a group of outcasts. Rather than reject her for her “craziness,” the boys accept her and bring her into their fold.
Obviously, Eleven’s powers are also “crazy” and the bullies see that firsthand and of course her powers only become “crazier” as the show progresses.
As well it’s also just fun for anyone to get some comeuppance on any bully that is bothering them or causing them harm.