“Mornings are for coffee and contemplation” – Hopper
Episode: “Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers”
This little piece of wisdom comes right in the very first episode of the first season before we really know much about Hopper or the kind of man he will become. The line, however, is genius because it immediately introduces us to the sheriff and obviously makes us relate to and sympathize with his struggle as someone who is clearly not a morning person.
This line is also important because it lets the viewer know, in a clever and indirect way, that Hawkins is not the kind of town where much happens. Hopper is clearly used to relaxing in the morning and not having to do much because not much happens in this town. Hawkins is a sleepy, small town but as the viewer, given what we’ve seen in the opening, we know that this is all about to change.
His casual demeanor with his staff in the sheriff’s office also lets the viewer know that Hopper is seemingly a nice, well-meaning guy who people like and respect. It’s also clear that he is a veteran in this job and has an established routine and way he likes to do things. It sets up his eventual change into someone who has to take action more in order to protect the town he loves.
This line has become iconic in its own right and has graced various pieces of merchandise, the most appropriate being coffee cups. It is certainly a line that we can all agree with.