Ricky Gervais’s After Life is coming back for season 2 at Netflix

After Life - Credit: Natalie Seery
After Life - Credit: Natalie Seery /

Based on a tweet from creator and star Ricky Gervais, After Life is coming back for season 2 at Netflix.

Ricky Gervais has started writing After Life season 2, according to a tweet from the creator and star of the latest Netflix original comedy series. That means After Life season 2 is officially in the works at Netflix.

That’s great news for all who watched the dark comedy that focuses on Tony, a middle-aged man who tries to deal with the death of his wife. There’s been an outpouring of support for Gervais and this series after it premiered on the streaming service on March 8.

Netflix has not officially announced the show is coming back for season 2. Based on that support shown on social media, I think it’s clear there’s an audience for this series. Netflix already has a great relationship with Gervais, and it appears there will be no problem with this show coming back for season 2 on Netflix.

We shared the tweet from Gervais below.

If you haven’t seen this series, we highly recommend watching the first season as soon as you can. It’s another great series from Netflix, and it’s easily one of the best shows of the new year so far.

This series is much darker than The Office, but there’s a lot to love. You’ll probably even life and cry in the same episode. It’s a roller coaster of emotions.

It’s always great to hear about Netflix renewing good shows. It’s been a rough go for fans of One Day at a Time and other popular Netflix shows that were canceled for one reason or another.

We don’t have any indication when After Life season 2 will be released on Netflix. Traditionally, Netflix usually releases new seasons about a year after the previous season was released. We know Gervais has a lot going on with his comedy, so there’s a possibility it might take a little longer than that.

Based on what we know about the series, Spring 2020 is our estimated release for After Life season 2.

Stay tuned for more news about After Life season 2!

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