5 theories about the new monster in Stranger Things 3

Stranger Things - Credit: Netflix
Stranger Things - Credit: Netflix /
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Stranger Things
Stranger Things – Credit: Netflix /

The Rat King

For those unfamiliar, a Rat King is this thing where rats, living in close quarters, become tangled and stuck together. It’s fascinating and absolutely disgusting, but there’s some evidence that this monster from Stranger Things 3 could actually be some sort of Rat King. The Ringer was the first to write about a possible Rat King monster in season 3.

Mainly, in the Stranger Things 3 poster, there appears to be several rats on the legs of the creature. A Reddit user posted a thread about it a while back. This thing could be a combination of all the Hawkins rats tied together or brought together by something.

And there are a lot of them in Hawkins, apparently.


This theory also brings in the two theories already discussed. The Rat King could have come from the Upside Down or it’s a group of rats that become infected with the Upside Down or the Mind Flayer’s powers, and then they become connected via the Hive Mind. This idea is a little half-baked, I’ll admit, but a Rat King from the Upside Down is a brilliantly disgusting monster for the new season.