10. Aelswith — The Last Kingdom
Played by: Eliza Butterworth
When the character first appeared: Aelswith was introduced in the second episode of the series.
Why fans don’t like the character: I know that there are some people who despise King Alfred in The Last Kingdom, but it’s his wife who makes it to the list. After all, there are very few redeeming qualities about this brown-nosing, narrow-minded character. While Alfred constantly had to think about the good of the country, Aelswith routinely only thought with her best interests at heart.
As the queen consort, she naturally has some sort of voice. That voice helped to dictate to her husband what he should do, whispering things against Uhtred purely because of his Danish upbringing all at the hands of a Saxon lord. She never once stepped back and thought about everything that Uhtred had been through.
Aelswith pushes her own views. Over the last three seasons, she’s become stagnated in her character development because of it. In fact, I’ve got to the point where I personally don’t really hate her but am bored of her. While others have their reasons or had the chance to develop new feelings or push forward with their plans, Butterworth has never had the chance to do that for Aelswith.
The upcoming fourth season could change that. She’ll get the chance to manipulate her son but have to deal with his devotion and like for Uhtred. As the queen mother and not the queen consort, she’ll now be one step down on the ladder and that could cause some problems for her but also for Edward and Uhtred.