15 most hated Netflix Original characters ever

Marvel's Iron Fist - Linda Kallerus/Netflix
Marvel's Iron Fist - Linda Kallerus/Netflix /
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13 Reasons Why season 3
13 Reasons Why – Credit: Beth Dubber/Netflix /

1. Montgomery de la Cruz — 13 Reasons Why

Played by: Timothy Granaderos

When the character first appeared: Monty was introduced in the second episode of the series.

Why fans don’t like the character: At first, Monty is just one of Bryce’s followers. He’s willing to cover up for Bryce, with the hope that he’ll get to remain on the sports teams. It turns out that he does have a backstory full of abuse but that doesn’t justify his own actions. In fact, it only leads to us hating him more.

It’s not actually until the 13 Reasons Why season 2 finale that he becomes the most hated character of the series. Towards the end, he and a couple of friends trap Tyler in the bathrooms and, well, if you’ve watched it then you know exactly what happens.

This is one of the most traumatic and haunting scenes that plays out in the episode. Far more graphic than the rapes of the girls in the series, it sticks with you and, unsurprisingly, sets up Tyler’s next storyline. What we don’t see if what Monty does after all this but since Granaderos will be a series regular in the third season, it’s clear that it will all come up.

There is absolutely no excuse for Monty’s actions throughout the whole series, especially at the end. He’s a scared boy but he should know better. Like Bryce, there are absolutely no redeeming qualities for this character and, in a way, that’s from good writing. All we want to see is him get his just desserts for his terrible actions.

Who is your most hated Netflix character? Share in the comments below.

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