Netflix Originals have a wide range of characters. Some of them are adored but others are hated with a passion. Here are the 15 most hated Netflix Originals characters ever.
Just like primetime TV shows, characters from Netflix Originals have fans either loving or hating them. There are some we just put up with for the sake of the story but there are others we can’t wait to see get their just desserts. It’s time to count down the 15 most hated Netflix Original characters.
Something I want to point out is that not all characters on this list are the bad guys. In fact, there are very few that are the villains in their stories because villains are supposed to be hated. This is more about people being human, their character traits that we just can’t connect with or their actions that make us despise them with a passion.
I’ll be honest and say I surprised myself when I started thinking about hated characters and talking to other fans of shows. Some of the most hated characters are ones that you’re supposed to like. They’re the supporting characters for the leads or even the leads themselves! They try too hard to be funny or their narrowminded views have left them ostracized from the fans.
For each of the characters, I give my reasons fans have mentioned they’re hated characters. This list doesn’t include characters from any of the more recent releases (post-The Umbrella Academy) so you don’t need to worry too much about spoilers if you haven’t had the time to watch them yet. Unfortunately, I can’t promise no spoilers from the shows on the list because, well, it’s the actions that make these characters so unlikable.
Each of the characters are from Netflix Originals. They’ve either started as Originals worldwide or internationally or have become Netflix Originals since their initial conception due to Netflix saving the shows. Sorry, guys, there’s no Lucifer on this as I’m waiting for season 4 of that show before it’s a fully-fledged Netflix Original.
Without further ado, here are the 15 most hated Netflix Original characters.