Congratulations to Grey’s Anatomy for officially becoming the longest-running primetime medical ever on television!
Grey’s Anatomy achieved a huge milestone with this week’s episode, “We Didn’t Start The Fire”, and it was exactly what we would have wanted from it. Surprisingly, there was absolutely no medicine involved (its first episode of the kind ever!), rather it was an hour focused on what has made this show so successful for so long–the characters.
The episode starts off with the doctors standing outside a building looking up at what seems to be a fire. We don’t know much at this point other than a fire broke out during Catherine Avery’s party. This party was arranged by Jackson to celebrate the success of his mother’s dangerous surgery and to honor Koracick and Amelia for saving Catherine’s life. Everyone but Catherine seemed to be excited about the party, but it made for an interesting episode.
This party also marks the first time Meredith and DeLuca are going out as a couple, even though no one even knows about them besides Maggie and Karev. They can’t seem to keep their hands off one another and it gets them caught when Richard comes waltzing into the room they are making out in. And because Meredith is dating someone at work, she has to report the relationship to the Chief–aka Alex. So, there’s the professional reason and then the “he’s her best friend” reason.
Karev’s story was a great one in this milestone Grey’s Anatomy episode as his mom, Helen, unexpectedly shows up. After a mix-up at the hospital, Alex ends up coming to the party without Jo, who runs into Helen at Grey-Sloan, convinced that her mother-in-law may be experiencing a psychotic break. Alex seems to agree with Jo and the suspicions only grow when Helen keeps making comments about fire and rubber. It turns out, she was right and Alex couldn’t have been happier about a fire breaking out. It’s a funny moment to see Alex so relieved.
So how does this fire even occur? After Richard catches Meredith and DeLuca, she’s extremely flustered and accidentally puts a plastic tray into the oven which sets off the fire. Of course, “they didn’t start the fire” though. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
While the party is going on, Catherine does her best to avoid it and ventures off with Bailey. Together, the women bring out the best in each other and help each other face their fears. Go female empowerment!

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This episode was a tumultuous one for the love triangle er circle between Amelia, Owen, Koracick, and Teddy. After Leo and Betty/Brittany leave with her parents, Owen is notably down and flustered, but ends up going to the party anyways. But the party doesn’t help when he sees Koracick and Teddy displaying their PDA. He’s not a fan of Koracick and is starting to feel the jealousy take over which culminates in a fist fight later in the episode. At this point, Amelia and Owen have fought it out and she’s over it, in fact, she’s ready to move on from their relationship.
This may not be as easy as she was hoping because, by the end of the episode, Betty/Brittany’s parents call wanting to give Leo back to Owen. They have their hands full with Betty/Brittany and can’t really take on the responsibility of Leo as well (duh, anyone could have told you that). Amelia confronts Betty/Brittany about doing this, and it seems she finally just wants to move on and be a kid. Not a mom, not an addict, just a kid.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the Grey’s Anatomy record-breaking episode in a nutshell. And don’t worry, the fire was contained and the Avery penthouse will live to see another day.