Netflix binges: The Punisher season 2 recap

Marvel's The Punisher - Credit: Cara Howe/Netflix
Marvel's The Punisher - Credit: Cara Howe/Netflix
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Marvel’s The Punisher – Credit: Cara Howe / Netflix
Marvel’s The Punisher – Credit: Cara Howe / Netflix

The Punisher season 2, episode 9: “Flustercuck”

This was another pretty intense episode (with The Punisher, when is it not?).  There weren’t too many fights but lots of confrontations. The episode started out with Frank finally coming back to the trailer. At first, he is on his guard because he sees bullet holes in the door, but once he sees everyone who is inside, he calms does. Amy tells him that Madani is planning on turning him in and while he doesn’t respond to that, he asks Madani who is going to end this fight, if not him?

Billy on a Rampage

Billy and his crew (which is now even bigger) are hitting up places around the city stealing cash, drugs, and weapons to help with their “cause.” He is also still sleeping with the doctor despite him destroying her apartment last episode. She wants them to take the money he has gotten and run away but he says he needs to take care of Frank before that can happen.

Billy also had a bit of a stand-off with Madani this episode. He broke into her house when she wasn’t there. When she got home, he made himself known. He knows that she arrested him, that he shot her, and that they had a relationship together but nothing else.

He wants to know what Frank has to do with all of this. What did he do to him to make Frank hate him so much? She tells him how he sold out Frank and his family and had them killed right in front of him.

Amy on the Run

This episode also heavily featured Amy. Curtis and she are using a police scanner to find out where Billy and his team are so they can tell Frank and he can go find them. But when Frank doesn’t give them any indication of what he’s doing or where he is, Curtis gets fed up and leaves Amy alone again. She’s had enough, so she grabs her stuff and leaves. Little does she know that John Pilgrim put a $5 million bounty on her and Frank.

She ends up heading to an old friend’s apartment who, for a fee,  has a guy who will help set her up. But as it turns out, this friend isn’t really a friend anymore. She calls the guys looking for Amy and lets them into her apartment. Luckily, Amy found the evidence that she was being stabbed in the back and ran to find a place to hide. She also makes sure to text Frank her location.

Frank gets there in time to kill a few of the guys but he’s not quick enough for Amy to be found. But Amy isn’t the defenseless girl she was in the first episode. She quickly knocks the gun out of the guy’s hand and shoots him in the chest. Frank shows up just as she is freaking out and takes her back to the trailer, telling her that after all this, he will make sure she can do whatever she wants.

John Pilgrim and the Schultz’s

John Pilgrim meets Anderson Schultz at the golf range and they discuss what the next step is. Schultz says it is time to take the next step, to turn the city against Frank and Amy aka put a bounty on their heads. Pilgrim wants to do the job himself but Schultz disagrees and wants Pilgrim to turn to his old friends for help. Reluctantly, he does but it turns out to blow up in his face.

One of his old buddies shows up from his days of being less-than-pious and he is less than happy. Apparently, Pilgrim left one day 12 years ago with their money and they haven’t seen him since. Pilgrim ended up in jail and that is where he found his new way of life.

But his old friends don’t take too kindly to being betrayed, even if it did happen over a decade ago. It is clear they are going to beat the crap out of him, although it is not shown.

What’s Next

This episode also featured Madani and Billy’s doctor meeting again, Curtis using his group of veterans to try and find Billy’s location, and Frank using some evidence he found on one of Billy’s guys to try to find where he is hiding out as well.

This was also the first episode where David Schulz was shown. He is the reason John Pilgrim is after Amy and Frank in the first place as he is the one in the photos kissing another guy that the Schultz’s don’t want the world to see.

In terms of what’s to come, the final Billy and Frank showdown is definitely on its way as is some kind of finale between Frank, Amy, and John Pilgrim. Something has to happen to Billy’s doctor. Someone has to find out she’s involved with him at some point. Whether everyone makes it out alive is still very much a mystery.

What did you think of episode 9 of The Punisher season 2? Do you think John Pilgrim will make it out of that bar alive? And what do you think will ultimately happen to Dr. Dumont?