The Punisher season 2, episode 7: “One Bad Day”
This episode of The Punisher could have easily been a finale if it didn’t end on a cliffhanger. That’s how emotional and action-packed it was. It all started with a flashback to Madani in the hospital just days after Billy had shot her in the head. She is being questioned about what happened and the head of the CIA is there to make sure she tells the approved story.
It’s clear she is not happy about lying but there is really no other option. The scene fades to Madani in present day with Frank and Curtis. Frank is asking her if she is good with him taking care of Billy. She’s not, but stopping Frank is easier said than done.
Frank’s Search For Billy
Frank’s search for Billy continues and has gotten even more violent (if that is possible). With help from Curtis, they find Jake on the street, kidnap him, and bring him back to his apartment. That is when the interrogation begins and Frank’s style of interrogation isn’t exactly legal.
He starts by asking Jake where Billy is but once it’s clear that Jake isn’t going to give up any information, Frank grabs him and shoves a knife into his hand. This only causes Madani to step in because she is all for finding Billy but she is not up for this.
While Madani and Frank talk in the hallway about what they are each willing to do to find and take down Billy, Curtis removes the knife. But Frank isn’t done. When he comes back into the apartment, he grabs the knife again and brings it to Jake’s throat.
That’s when Jake finally talks. He tells them about the job they plan on pulling and where they were all staying the night before. With the information they need, Frank and Curtis go out to take Billy down.
Billy and His Crew
Billy and his crew of fellow veterans are getting ready to rob a check n’ go by practicing every version of what could happen in an abandoned warehouse they are staying in. They mess up a few times but ultimately, figure out what each guy is going to do. Billy also tells them that instead of going their separate ways before the job, they’ll stay overnight in the warehouse.
This would be fine if Jake wasn’t on meth and slowly going into withdrawal. So, instead of staying overnight, Jake goes out to get his hit. Little does he know, Frank and Curtis are waiting for him.
So, when Billy and the guys are ready to go, Jake isn’t anywhere to be found, but luckily, they have backup guys to make up the difference and head on over to the check n go. They planned to rob it right after the money was delivered for the day. They drive up right after the delivery guys leave and storm into the building, masks on and guns raised.
At first, everything seems to be going to plan, but then the manager decides she doesn’t want to open the door to the back room to them. She is not going to let them rob her business. Billy is clearly about to kill her and most likely everyone there, but then another employee moves around her and pushes the button to unlock the door. He was not about to be killed for nothing.
They quickly take the money, zip-tie the employees, and get out of there. But then… Frank shows up.
Castle vs. Russo Showdown
Frank makes himself known when they are leaving the check n’ go. He appears wearing Jake’s mask, so at first, Billy thinks it is Jake. That soon changes when Frank takes it off and then show that he is wearing the bloodied skull vest from their carousel fight. While Billy doesn’t remember the fight, he clearly knows the skull symbol as he’s been having nightmares about it since he was in the hospital.
He goes into shock and his guys have to end up throwing him in the car to get him out of there. But the gunshots have already started. Billy’s guys are shooting at Frank (including a sniper on the roof of a nearby building) and Frank is shooting back. And when they start to pull away, Frank grabs a car and chases after them. The episode ends there.
What’s Next
The next episode will definitely show what happens after Frank chases down Billy and his crew. It might also bring back the Amy and John Pilgrim storyline as they weren’t featured in this episode at all. Madani didn’t identify him by any print she had analyzed from the things at the diner, so her search for him isn’t any closer.
What is going to happen to Billy’s doctor is also up in the air. This episode started off with Billy and her sleeping together but then he decided to leave, so it’s unclear if she is going to play a bigger role in the episodes to come.
What did you think of episode 7 of season 2 of The Punisher? What do you think will ultimately happen between Frank and Billy? Any theories on how Madani is going to end up at the end of the season?