The Punisher season 2 is finally streaming on Netflix! We shared all the recaps from The Punisher season 2 below.
The Punisher season 2 is finally here! At Netflix Life, we’re going to be breaking down the second season of Netflix’s most brutal show with daily recaps to get you through the season.
As you watch the show, follow along with us as we discuss every episode and try to answer all the big questions about this series and new mystery.
Without further ado, let’s dive in with the recap of the first episode. Spoilers ahead!
The Punisher season 2, episode 1: “Roadhouse Blues”
While episode 1 had its calm moments, it also had the blood and violence that usually comes when Frank Castle is involved. The episode started with Frank and a young girl in a car. Frank is covered in blood and is speeding down the road when he is blocked in by two other cars. But that doesn’t stop Frank. He simply leans out the window with a machine gun and shoots everyone that’s in his way. The scene then cuts off to show how exactly he got there.
Frank and Beth
Frank meets Beth while he is hanging around in a bar in Michigan. She is the bartender and when she is being hassled by a drunk patron, Frank steps in to help her. After that, they get to talking and end up back at Beth’s house. It is only after they sleep together that Frank tells her his actual name (he told her it was Pete).
When Frank goes to leave early that next morning, he is stopped by the sight of her son, Rex. And there is nothing Frank like more than talking to kids. It seems out of character but when you think about how much he has lost, it fits that he would want the innocent and honest conversation that comes from talking to a child. Once Beth realizes her kid is at home, she is a bit frantic, but Frank soon has them out of the house and off to get pancakes.
But remember, this is The Punisher. Nothing happy lasts for long. An all-out battle takes place at the bar the next night and Frank is at the center, trying to protect the young girl we saw him with at the beginning of the episode. During the chaos, Beth gets shot and after Frank beats the crap out of the group of villains, he and the girl, rush Beth to the hospital.
Girl In Trouble
While the girl with Frank at the beginning of the episode continues to be a mystery throughout the episode, there are a few things we learn about her. She is clearly running from some bad dudes. She hides wherever she can. In empty hotel rooms. In bar bathrooms. Wherever.
Also, they send a group of highly skilled fighters and killers after her, so whatever she has that they want must be very important. At the end of the episode, they end up with her laptop. Her only saving grace is that Frank gets involved and ends up saving her despite himself. What she’s involved in and how she got in so much trouble remains to be seen.
What’s Next
The episode wrapped up with the return of a few characters from last season. Billy (who will be known as Jigsaw as the season goes on) is in a hospital bed after the events of last season. FBI agent, Dinah Madani is also back but now that she knows exactly who Billy is and what he’s capable of, she is not taking her eyes off of him. The first episode ends with a shot of Frank still covered and blood and driving down the road, ready to fight whatever comes next.
What did you think of the first episode of The Punisher season 2? Did it meet your expectations? What do you think will happen next?
You can watch all 13 episodes of season 2 of The Punisher right now on Netflix.