Stranger Things 2 cast: Bob Newby

Credit: Stranger Things - Jackson Lee Davis - Netflix
Credit: Stranger Things - Jackson Lee Davis - Netflix /

Get to know Bob Newby, one of the new cast members to join the Stranger Things 2 cast, and who is played by famed 80s actor Sean Astin.

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It’s no secret that Stranger Things was inspired by the classic 80s movies like Stand by Me, The Goonies, Nightmare on Elm Street, among others. Now, the Stranger Things 2 cast will have an actor from one of those iconic 80s movies. Sean Astin played Mikey in The Goonies, and is most recognized for his starring role in The Lord of the Rings trilogy as Sam. And now he’ll be playing the role of Bob Newby in Stranger Things 2 that comes out on Oct. 27.

Bob is a high school classmate of Joyce and Hopper and based on the production stills we’ve seen for the upcoming season, he and Joyce have reconnected in the time since their school days. We don’t know exactly how chummy the two are now, but they’re sitting together on a park bench in one scene and look like they’re picking up where they last left off. In another scene, he’s seen comforting a panicked Joyce after she’s experienced some more heartache and more reasons to worry about the welfare of her son, Will.

The trailer didn’t show much of Bob, but there was a quick moment where he’s seen running through a pair of double doors like he’s trying to escape with his life intact. What was he running from? Who was he running toward? We’ll find out for sure on Oct. 27.

Next: 25 Burning Questions for Stranger Things 2

But, Bob is a nice guy who is going to provide some emotional support, at least, for Joyce, which she really needs and deserves after the nightmare she went through in the first season. If there’s anyone that can make her happy, we hope it’ll be Bob Newby.