Stranger Things 2: Eleven featured in new clip (Video)

Credit: Stranger Things - Netflix
Credit: Stranger Things - Netflix /

Eleven, played by Millie Bobby Brown, is featured in a new clip from Stranger Things 2. Watch it now!

Eleven is back in a new clip from Stranger Things 2! The clip is making the rounds on social media, and it offers up more questions than it answers.

At first glance, the clip appears to be Eleven trying to say something while hooked up with electrodes all over her head. But, it also appears there might be another woman in the clip, as well. Could it be Terry Ives, the woman rumored to be Eleven’s mother?

In the clip, there are also news flashes alluding to Ives and her lawsuit against Dr. Brenner.

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The clip of Eleven and possibly an older woman has been paired with the caption, “What is she trying to say?” on twitter and facebook. We have shared the clip below from the official Stranger Things twitter account below.

If that is Ives, it could show how she was tortured or brainwashed by Dr. Brenner and it could be the reason why she is the way she is now.

I have no idea what she is trying to say, but I’m sure we will find out shortly! At the time of publishing, we are exactly three weeks away from the release of Stranger Things 2. It’s really getting down to crunch time, and as Stranger Things is one of Netflix’s biggest shows, they are going to be releasing more and more promotional materials. Watch for new trailer, posters, clips and more over the next three weeks.

Next: 25 Burning Questions for Stranger Things 2

This new clip was revealed one day after fans found an exclusive clip of Will, Dustin, Lucas and Mike trick-or-treating at the end of the new Stranger Things game available on Google Play and the App Store.

What do you think has happened to Eleven? What’s she trying to say? Let us know on social media if you have any good theories.