Is Independence Day on Netflix?

Credit: Independence Day
Credit: Independence Day /

Independence Day: Resurgence is trying to take the top spot at the box office, but can fans watch the original Independence Day on Netflix?

20 years ago aliens came to Earth and tried to take over our planet. No, not in real life, otherwise this article would have a totally different vibe. But 20 years ago the movie Independence Day came out and was one of the biggest movies of the summer and a big-ticket item at the box office.

The movie starred Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman and Vivica A. Fox, among others. But make no mistake, it was a Will Smith movie who helped take the star of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and make him a major motion picture star.

He and Goldblum’s character were able to figure out how to take out the alien ships and regain power over the rest of the solar system.

The release of the sequel last weekend has brought up feelings of nostalgia as many of the fans who watched the original in the theater are now taking their children to the theater to see the new one.

But for those who can’t get out to the theater or just prefer watching movies from the comfort of their home, can they watch Independence Day on Netflix?

Unfortunately, the answer to that question is a no.

Independence Day is not streaming on Netflix. In fact, there’s only one Will Smith movie on Netflix and that’s the Pursuit of Happyness which was only added in June.

So if you had plans to watch Independence Day on Independence Day on the Fourth of July, you’ll have to make other plans if you intended to stream it on Netflix.